.TH IMaCh 1 "November 2018" "Version 0.99r16" .UC 1 .SH "NAME" imach \- a software for multistate life table and cross-longitudinal surveys .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBimach\fP [ \fIoptions\fP ] .br .SH "DESCRIPTION" \fIIMaCh\fP is a software for multistate life table and cross-longitudinal surveys. It uses a parameter file which reads a data file. server. .LP .SH "COMMAND LINE OPTIONS" The only option is the path of the parameter file. Without it, the program asks for the filename. .TP \fB-4, parameterfile[.imach]\fP .RS .nf .fi .LP .SH "SEE ALSO" .nf \fBgnuplot(1)\fP Gnuplot - the plotter used by ImaCh. .fi