File:  [Local Repository] / imach / html / index.htm
Revision 1.12: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Mar 16 18:16:53 2006 UTC (18 years, 6 months ago) by lievre
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
(Module): Version 0.98f

    1: <html>
    3: <head>
    4: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
    5: content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    6: <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage Express 2.0">
    7: <title>Computing Health Expectancies using IMaCh</title>
    8: <!-- Changed by: Nicolas Brouard, 17-Mar-2000 -->
    9: </head>
   11: <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
   13: <hr size="3" color="#EC5E5E">
   15: <h1 align="center"><font color="#00006A">Computing Health
   16: Expectancies using IMaCh</font></h1>
   17: <h1 align="center"><font color="#00006A" size="5">(a Maximum
   18: Likelihood Computer Program using Interpolation of Markov Chains)</font></h1>
   20: <p align="center"><a href=""><img
   21: src="doc/logo-ined.gif" border="0" width="151" height="76"></a><img
   22: src="doc/euroreves2.gif" width="151" height="75"></p>
   24: <h3 align="center"><a href=""><font
   25: color="#00006A">INED</font></a><font color="#00006A"> and </font><a
   26: href=""><font color="#00006A">EUROREVES</font></a></h3>
   28: <p align="center"><font color="#00006A" size="4"><strong>March 2006</strong></font></p>
   30: <hr size="3" color="#EC5E5E">
   32: <h4 align="center"><font color="#00006A">Authors of the program: </font><a
   33: href=""><font color="#00006A">Nicolas
   34: Brouard</font></a><font color="#00006A">, senior researcher at
   35: the </font><a href=""><font color="#00006A">Institut
   36: National d'Etudes Démographiques</font></a><font color="#00006A">
   37: (INED, Paris) in the "Mortality, Health and Epidemiology
   38: Research Unit" </font></h4>
   40: <h4 align="center"><font color="#00006A">and Agnès Lièvre (PHD student at INED)</font></h4>
   42: <h4><font color="#00006A">Contribution to the mathematics: C. R.
   43: Heathcote </font><font color="#00006A" size="2">(Australian
   44: National University, Canberra).</font></h4>
   46: <h4><font color="#00006A">Contact: Agnès Lièvre (</font><a
   47: href=""><font color="#00006A"><i></i></font></a><font
   48: color="#00006A">) </font></h4>
   50: <p> Main publication concerning the method is 
   51: <a href=,1,2;journal,2,5;linkingpublicationresults,1:300265,1
   52: >Lièvre A., Brouard N. and Heathcote Ch. (2003) Estimating Health Expectancies 
   53: from Cross-longitudinal surveys. <em>Mathematical Population Studies</em>.- 10(4), pp. 211-248</a>
   54: </p>
   56: <h2><font color="#EC5E5E"><strong>Download and instructions for installation</strong></font></h2>
   58: <h3>On Windows (win9X, 2000, XP)</h3>
   59: <p> Until June 2004 the installation did consist in a zip file which
   60: had to be extracted in the directory of your choice. But with version
   61: 0.98d IMaCh we are using a windows installer (Inno setup).  Both
   62: executables <tt>imach.exe</tt> and <tt>gnuplot.exe</tt> (the grapher
   63: that we are using) have to be on the same directory.
   65: <br> In order to facilitate the use of IMaCh we associated the .imach
   66: extension to two features: editing and running. Thus by right clicking
   67: on a foo.imach file you can either 'edit'the file (default) with
   68: the notepad editor or 'run' it with gnuplot (you need a recent version).<br>
   70:       But we discovered that on some computers, people are not allowed
   71:       to modify the windows registry and need to have Administrator privileges.
   73:      <br>
   74:       Thus we built two windows installer: a standard setup which will install
   75:       the progam (usually in <tt>\Program Files\imach</tt> and will
   76:       modify the registry to associate <tt>.imach</tt> extension to notepad and imach, and a
   77:       second which will not alter the registry. With this second installer you
   78:       will be able to install the programs in your home directory and
   79:       run it by clicking on the imach.exe icon. But you won't be able
   80:       to use the facility of the right clicking.
   81: </p>
   83: <ul>
   84:     <li>Download latest <font size="2" face="Courier New"><strong>imach-0.98f-1-setup.exe</strong></font>
   85:         and execute it .</li>
   86:     <li>Different sub-directories are created:
   87:           <ul>
   88:             <li>doc: most of the documentation. The main document
   89:                 is <a href="doc/imach.htm">doc/imach.htm</a> .</li>
   90:                 <ul> Here are also two data files:<font size="4"
   91:                 face="Times New Roman"> </font><ul>
   92:                     <li><font face="Courier New">data1.txt</font>
   93:                         which is the main data file on which the
   94:                         program has been run as the example in
   95:                         the main documentation.</li>
   96:                     <li><font face="Courier New">mydata.txt </font>a
   97:                         smaller data file which you can use for
   98:                         your own trial.</li>
   99:                 </ul>
  100:                </ul>
  101:             <li>bin: <ul> <li><font face="Courier">imach.exe</font>
  102:             the executable for Windows 95/98/NT compiled with gcc from
  103:             cygwin.</li> <li> gnuplot, the grapher use by IMaCh.  Its
  104:             reference manual and sources can be accessed from <a
  105:             href=""></a>.
  106:                 </ul>
  107:             </li>
  108:             <li>src: This subdirectory contains the source of the
  109:                 program. It can be obtained by asking us by mail brouard at ined pointfr
  110:                 and lievre at ined pointfr
  111: 		 .</li>
  112:         </ul>
  113:     </li>
  114:     <li>Right click on the .imach to either edit it or execute it with Imach.</li>
  115:     <li>Read the file README.txt or, better, click on <a
  116:         href="doc/imach.htm">doc/imach.htm</a></li>
  117: </ul>
  119: <br>
  120: Imach version 0.98f of March 2006 can be downloaded as a setup.exe file
  121: <a href="imach-0.98f-1-setup.exe">
  122:</a>. The IMaCh
  123: program and gnuplot will be installed in the directory that you want
  124: (usually in Program Files). Please check the md5sum which is
  125: 13a291b3ea21a0a69fe31367920dea4f  imach-0.98f-1-setup.exe
  127: <br>We also changed the wordpad editor to notepad which is less useful
  128: but exists on most Windows installation.  <br> For people who are not
  129: allowed to modify the registry of their Windows installation here is a
  130: second setup <a
  131: href="imach-0.98f-1-noreg-setup.exe">imach-0.98f-1-noreg-setup.exe</a>.
  132: <br>
  133: 6cddd143bdb46b368164350bb6fbbcfa  imach-0.98f-1-noreg-setup.exe
  136: <p><a href="oldversions.html">Old Windows versions are accessible here.</a>
  137: <h3>On Mac OS/X Panther only (october 2005)</h3>
  139: IMaCh can be easily compiled with gcc 3.3 on MacIntosh as soon as
  140: XCode (free download from Apple) is intalled on your MaCIntosh.<p>
  142: It take a litle more time to get latest version of Gnuplot 4.0 for Mac
  143: OS/X and to compile it on a MaC (sources tar.gz can be also accessed on our site from <a href=gnuplot-4.0.0.tar.gz>here</a>. The main problem resides in finding
  144: the png library. Gif images are patented now and the replacement is
  145: png, but the development of the png library is growing on its own and
  146: you just have to find on Google where it is hosted now.
  148: <br>
  149: Gnuplot can be easily compiled on a MaC, but I don't know yet (July
  150: 2004) which is default screen terminal driver for gnuplot. 
  151: As already said you need libpng (to be included in terms) which itself needs zlib on the same directory level. Boths sources can be acessed on the Web but here you can get the sources used on the MacOS/X Panther version (<a href- libpng-1.2.5.tgz>libpng-1.2.5.tgz</a> and <a href=zlib-1.2.1.tar.gz>zlib-1.2.1.tar.gz</a>.
  153: If X11 is already installed on your MaC (it is included on your installation CD
  154: or you can download it from the WEB), then you can do <tt>set ter
  155: X11</tt> and <tt>plot sin(x)</tt> to get a nice sin curve on an X11
  156: window of your Mac.
  158: <br> Let me add that for running IMaCh with all of its features, you don't
  159: need X11; the gnuplot program included in the distribution needs only
  160: to have the png terminal driver to output graphs and these graphs will
  161: be viewed by your browser.<br>
  163: You need X11 only if you want to modify and test the gnuplot code output by
  164: ImaCh, because it might be a more convenient way to view the graphs
  165: directly on the screen than writing images on a file and viewing them
  166: with a browser,
  168: <p>
  169: You can download a .pkg.pax file at <a
  170: 	href="imach097b.pkg.pax">imach097b.pkg.pax</a>. Stuffit
  171:       Expander will expand the compressed file into a imach097b.pkg directory. Just
  172:       clicking on the directory will let you install IMaCh in a local
  173:       directory of your own (you have to create a new folder name IMaCh097b or whatever). Two sub-directories are created
  174:       <tt>bin</tt> and <tt>html</tt> . In the bin subdirectory you
  175:       will find two executables <tt>imach</tt> itself and
  176:       <tt>gnuplot</tt>. 
  177: <p>You can also download a dmg file (octobre 2005) still for Panther only (we do not have a Tiger version at INED yet) at <a href=imach-0.98panther.dmg>imach-0.98panther.dmg</a>.
  179: <p>
  180: You need to click on <tt>imach</tt> and IMaCh will be launched in a
  181: Terminal window, asking you to enter a <tt>parameter</tt> file. A
  182: parameter file is text file with an extension <tt>.imach</tt> (but you
  183: can use a <tt>.txt</tt> extension if you want. Among the parameters
  184: required, a data file name has to be entered. It can be a relative
  185: file name like <tt>../../data/data1.txt</tt>. <br> If you open a new
  186: finder you can drag an IMaCh parameter file into the terminal IMaCh
  187: Window that you just created.
  188: <p>
  189: At the end of the run, and it order for the terminal window not to
  190:       disappear, the program will prompt for a command like "<tt>e</tt>" for
  191:       edit or "<tt>q</tt>" for quit. The edit command might not work
  192:       on a MaC, or on Unix or even on recent Windows, because the program should know which
  193:       browser you are using and becauee the BROWSER environment
  194:       doesn't seem to be standard on a Mac and on some other OS too.
  196: <br> The consequence for you is just that you have to use your finder
  197:       or browser (there is no more difference now) and click on the
  198:       <tt>.html</tt> (or .htm) file created. The filename of this html
  199:       file is the same name as your parameter file, only the extension
  200:       .imach is changed to .html.
  202: <h3>On Linux</h3> There are various versions of Linux, gnuplot is
  203: distributed on most distributions. Just verify that your version of
  204: gnuplot is more recent than version 0.38i . I haven't had time to make
  205: a rpm yet, just ask us for the CVS tree location (not completely GPL
  206: today), and compile the sources. Remarks concerning the Linux versions
  207: are similar to the Mac OS/X version. A binary rpm will be given as
  208: soon as a src rpm will be given which means that the whole program
  209: will be GPL licensed.
  211: <p><a href="doc/imach.htm"><font color="#FF0000" size="6">Click
  212: here to access to the detailed documentation</font></a></p>
  214: <p>This software have been partly granted by <a
  215: href="">Euro-REVES</a>, a concerted action
  216: from the European Union. In 2003-2004 it has been granted by the
  217: French Institute on Longevity. Our work is copyrighted as a GNU
  218: software product, i.e. program and software can be distributed freely
  219: for non commercial use, but actually some sources are not widely
  220: distributed today because they borrow some codes from the book
  221: "Numerical Recipes in C" which is copyrighted. If you are an owner of
  222: theses sources you can get our sources by asking us with a simple
  223: justification (name, email, Institute) <a
  224: href=""></a>
  225: </p>
  227: <p>Today we are two developpers only but we already use a private CVS
  228: server. The CVS server will be freely accessible as soon as we have
  229: replaced "Numerical Recipes in C maximization routines" with
  230: equivalent routines from the new GNU scientific library.
  232: <p>Latest documentation can be accessed at <a
  233: href=""></a><br>
  234: </p>
  236: <p> There is a public mailing list of IMaCh's users.  You can
  237: subscribe by sending a mail to <a
  239: (and unsubscribe with <a
  241: </p>
  243: <h2>IMaCh Wiki</h2>
  244: As discussed at the last REVES meeting in <a href="">Beijing</a>, we created a Wiki for IMaCh were people having used IMaCh (or having not been able to used it because of obscure or unadequate features) can add tips and discuss various aspects of IMaCh and interface with other statistical softwares. In many aspects, our "official documentation" is not accurate enough.
  246: <p> Wikis are a very promising way to give information closer to your expectations. It also a very dynamic movement if you consider the first <a href="">International Wikimedia Conference in Francfurt</a> (August 2005), where most Wikis were represented and in particular <a href="">Wikipedia</a>.
  248: <p><a href="wiki"><font color="#FF0000" size="6">Access to the new (August 2005) IMaCh Wiki</font></a></p>
  253: <br>$Id: index.htm,v 1.12 2006/03/16 18:16:53 lievre Exp $<br>
  254: <!--  $State: Exp $
  255:   $Log: index.htm,v $
  256:   Revision 1.12  2006/03/16 18:16:53  lievre
  257:   (Module): Version 0.98f
  259:   Revision 1.9  2004/07/23 16:07:11  brouard
  260:   *** empty log message ***
  262:   Revision 1.8  2004/07/23 14:34:18  brouard
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  265:   Revision 1.7  2004/07/23 14:31:46  brouard
  266:   *** empty log message ***
  268:   Revision 1.6  2004/07/23 14:11:14  brouard
  269:   MaC OS/X version added.
  271:   Revision 1.5  2004/06/22 11:18:20  brouard
  272:   Adding the noreg setup for users who don't have privileges to modify Windows registries.
  274:   Revision 1.4  2004/06/16 23:49:33  brouard
  275:   *** empty log message ***
  277: -->
  278: </body>
  279: </html>

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