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1: VERSION=0.98q0 2: COPYRIGHT=Copyright (C) 2002-2015 INED-EUROREVES-Institut de longevite-Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 25293121) - Intel Software 2015 3: IMACHSETUPVERSION=ilc 4: #IMACHSETUPVERSION=mvc 5: 6: # Linux 7: # make _linux=1 imachopt 8: # make _linux=1 imach 9: # 10: # make _linux32onosx=1 imachopt 11: # make _linux64onosx=1 imachopt 12: 13: # OS/X 14: # make _intel64onosx=1 imachopt 15: # make _intel32onosx=1 imachopt 16: # make _intelUNBonosx=1 imachdmg # Not implemented (not useful) 17: # make _macosx=1 imach 18: # make _macosx=1 imachopt 19: # make _macosx=1 imachdmg 20: # valgrind --dsymutil=yes --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes ~/Documents/imachcvs/imach/src/imach-1.129cvsmac radlc-1.129.imach 21: 22: # Windows 23: # make _windowsonosx=1 imachILC-setup (touch #binary should have been compiled on Windows with Intel 24: # make _windowsonosx=1 imachILC64-setup (touch #binary should have been compiled on Windows with Intel 25: # make _windowsonosx=1 imachMVC-setup (touch #binary should have been compiled on Windows with cl 26: # make _windowsonosx=1 imachMVC-noreg-setup 27: # 28: # Windows cross-compiled mw64 29: # make _mw64onsox=1 imachcyg-setup 30: # 31: # make _windows=1 imachcyg 32: # make _windows=1 imachcyg-setup (touch 33: # make _windows=1 imachcyg-noreg-setup 34: # 35: # make _windowsonlinux=1 imachcyg-setup (touch 36: # make _windowsonlinux=1 imachcyg-noreg-setup 37: # 38: # make _windowscl=1 imachclopt 39: 40: # 41: # sortie dans Output/setup.exe 42: # ln -s /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Inno\ Setup\ 4/Compil32.exe /usr/local/bin/Compil32 43: ##SETUPCOMP= "C:\Program Files\Inno Setup 3\Compil32.exe" 44: #TESTFILE=$$HOME/Documents/Recherches/REVES/SAITO/Tokyo2014/adlc-test-mac/adecode-1.142c.imach 45: #TESTFILE=$(HOME)/Documents/Recherches/REVES/carol/carol-june2014/educadlmwt24.imach 46: #TESTFILE=$(HOME)/Documents/Recherches/REVES/Biaspar/biaspar-wopowell.imach 47: TESTFILE=$(HOME)/Documents/Recherches/REVES/Biaspar/rbiaspar-098p.imach 48: #TESTFILE=$(HOME)/Documents/Recherches/REVES/SAITO/Tokyo2014/adlc-test-mac/adecode-1.142c.imach 49: #TESTFILE=$(HOME)/Documents/Recherches/REVES/SAITO/Tokyo2014/adlc_test_magei4/radlc_often.imach 50: #CC= gcc -v 51: CC=$(GCC) 52: GCC= gcc 53: 54: ifdef _macosx 55: # Mac OS/X version 56: LFLAGS= -g -lm 57: CFLAGS= -g -DDEBUG 58: LFLAGSOPT= -O3 -lm 59: CFLAGSOPT= -O3 60: CROSSCOMPILATION= -DCROSS=0 61: UNIX2DOS= echo "Unix2dos " 62: DSYMUTIL= dsymutil 63: STRIP= strip 64: BINVERSION=OSX 65: # Don'know how to launch imach098.pmsp in batch to create package file imach098Panther.pkg 66: # ./ imach imach098panther ./imach098Panther 67: # ./ imach imach098leopard ./imach098Leopard 68: # and directory ./imach098Panther contains package file imach098Panther.pkg 69: #./create-dmg --window-size 500 300 --background ~/Projects/eclipse-osx-repackager/build/background.gif --icon-size 96 --volname "Hyper Foo" --icon "Applications" 380 205 --icon "Eclipse OS X Repackager" 110 205 test2.dmg /Users/andreyvit/Projects/eclipse-osx-repackager/temp/Eclipse\ OS\ X\ Repackager\ r10/ 70: # ./create-dmg --volname "IMaCh 0.98j" imach098j.dmg imach098Leopard 71: endif 72: 73: ifdef _windows 74: CC=c:\MinGW\bin\Mingw32-gcc 75: 76: # Windows cygwin version 77: LFLAGS= -g -mno-cygwin 78: CFLAGS= -g -mno-cygwin 79: LFLAGSOPT= -O3 -mno-cygwin 80: CFLAGSOPT= -O3 -mno-cygwin 81: UNIX2DOS= unix2dos 82: CP= copy 83: BINVERSION=CYGWIN 84: #SETUPCOMP= Compil32 85: ##SETUPCOMP=start /wait "C:\Program\ Files\\Compil32.exe" 86: # cygwin SETUPCOMP= "C:\Program Files\Inno Setup 4\Compil32.exe" 87: SETUPCOMP= "C:////Program Files////Inno Setup 4////Compil32.exe" 88: endif 89: 90: ifdef _windowsonlinux 91: GCC=/usr/bin/i586-pc-mingw32-gcc 92: LFLAGS= -g 93: CFLAGS= -g 94: LFLAGSOPT= -O3 -lm 95: CFLAGSOPT= -O3 96: CROSSCOMPILATION= -DCROSS=1 97: CP= cp 98: UNIX2DOS= unix2dos 99: SETUPCOMP= wine "C:////Program Files////Inno Setup 4////Compil32.exe" 100: BINVERSION=WINDOWSonLINUX 101: endif 102: 103: ifdef _windowsonosx 104: #GCC=/usr/local/i386-mingw32-4.3.0/bin/i386-mingw32-gcc 105: #GCC=/usr/local/cross-tools/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc 106: GCC=/usr/local/gcc-4.8.0-qt-4.8.4-for-mingw32/win32-gcc/bin/i586-mingw32-gcc-4.8.0 107: STRIP=/usr/local/gcc-4.8.0-qt-4.8.4-for-mingw32/win32-gcc/bin/i586-mingw32-strip 108: LFLAGS= -g 109: CFLAGS= -g 110: LFLAGSOPT= -O3 -s 111: CFLAGSOPT= -O3 112: CROSSCOMPILATION= -DCROSS=1 113: UNIX2DOS= unix2dos 114: SETUPCOMP= ~/bin/InnoSetup5Playonmac 115: CP= cp 116: BINVERSION=WIN32onOSX 117: endif 118: 119: ifdef _mw64onosx 120: GCC=/usr/local/mingw-w64-bin_i686-darwin_20130622/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-4.9.0 121: STRIP=/usr/local/mingw-w64-bin_i686-darwin_20130622/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip 122: LFLAGS= -g 123: CFLAGS= -g 124: LFLAGSOPT= -O3 -lm -s 125: CFLAGSOPT= -O3 126: CROSSCOMPILATION= -DCROSS=1 127: UNIX2DOS= unix2dos 128: SETUPCOMP= ~/bin/InnoSetup5Playonmac 129: CP= cp 130: BINVERSION=w64-mingw32-x86-64-bin 131: endif 132: 133: ifdef _windowscl 134: rem "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\vcvas32.bat" 135: endif 136: 137: # make _intel64onosx=1 imachopt 138: #source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64 139: ifdef _intel64onosx 140: GCC=/opt/intel/bin/icc 141: CFLAGS= -m64 -g -std=c99 142: LFLAGS= -g -m64 143: #CFLAGSOPT= -O3 -m64 -g -std=c99 -no-prec-div idem 144: #CFLAGSOPT= -O3 -m64 -g -std=c99 -xSSSE3_ATOM 402 145: CFLAGSOPT= -O3 -m64 -g -std=c99 146: CROSSCOMPILATION= -DCROSS=0 147: IGNORE :=$(shell bash -c "source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64; env | sed 's/=/:=/' | sed 's/^/export /' > makeenv") 148: include makeenv 149: #lipo -create -arch i386 HelloWorld_32 -arch x86_64 HelloWorld_64 -output HelloWorld 150: LFLAGSOPT= -O3 -m64 151: UNIX2DOS= unix2dos 152: SETUPCOMP= ~/bin/InnoSetup5Playonmac 153: CP= cp 154: BINVERSION=osx-intel-x86-64-bin 155: #imach_64$(VERSION) 156: # 157: endif 158: 159: ifdef _intel32onosx 160: GCC=/opt/intel/bin/icc 161: CFLAGS= -m32 -g -std=c99 162: LFLAGS= -g -m32 163: CFLAGSOPT= -O3 -m32 -g -std=c99 164: CROSSCOMPILATION= -DCROSS=0 165: IGNORE :=$(shell bash -c "source /opt/intel/bin/ ia32; env | sed 's/=/:=/' | sed 's/^/export /' > makeenv") 166: include makeenv 167: #lipo -create -arch i386 HelloWorld_32 -arch x86_64 HelloWorld_64 -output HelloWorld 168: #lipo -create -arch i386 imach_32$(VERSION) -arch x86_64 imach_64$(VERSION) -output imach$(VERSION) 169: LFLAGSOPT= -O3 -m32 170: UNIX2DOS= unix2dos 171: SETUPCOMP= ~/bin/InnoSetup5Playonmac 172: CP= cp 173: BINVERSION=osx-intel-ia32-bin 174: endif 175: 176: ifdef _linux64onosx 177: GCC=/usr/localold/gcc-4.8.1-for-linux64/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gcc 178: STRIP=/usr/localold/gcc-4.8.1-for-linux64/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-strip 179: LFLAGS= -g 180: CFLAGS= -g 181: CROSSCOMPILATION= -DCROSS=1 182: LFLAGSOPT= -O3 -lm -s 183: CFLAGSOPT= -O3 184: TAR= /sw/bin/gnutar 185: UNIX2DOS= unix2dos 186: SETUPCOMP= ~/bin/InnoSetup5Playonmac 187: CP= cp 188: BINVERSION=linux-x86-64-bin 189: endif 190: 191: ifdef _linux32onosx 192: #GCC=/usr/local/i386-mingw32-4.3.0/bin/i386-mingw32-gcc 193: #GCC=/usr/local/cross-tools/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc 194: GCC=/usr/localold/gcc-4.8.1-for-linux32/bin/i586-pc-linux-gcc 195: STRIP=/usr/localold/gcc-4.8.1-for-linux32/bin/i586-pc-linux-strip 196: LFLAGS= -g 197: CFLAGS= -g 198: LFLAGSOPT= -O3 -s -lm 199: CFLAGSOPT= -O3 200: CROSSCOMPILATION= -DCROSS=1 201: TAR= /sw/bin/gnutar 202: UNIX2DOS= unix2dos 203: SETUPCOMP= ~/bin/InnoSetup5Playonmac 204: CP= cp 205: BINVERSION=linux-i586-bin 206: endif 207: 208: ifdef _linux 209: #CFLAGS= -g -DUNIX -DDEBUGHESS 210: #CFLAGS= -g -DDEBUG -DFIXMNBRAK 211: CFLAGS= -g -DDEBUG 212: LFLAGS= -g -lm 213: IGSL= -I/usr/include/gsl 214: LGSL= -lgsl -lgslcblas 215: INLOPT= -I/usr/local/include 216: LNLOPT= -lm -L/usr/local/lib -lnlopt 217: CFLAGSOPT= -O3 -g 218: LFLAGSOPT= -O3 -g -lm 219: CROSSCOMPILATION= -DCROSS=0 220: UNIX2DOS= unix2dos 221: SETUPCOMP= wine "C:////Program Files////Inno Setup 4////Compil32.exe" 222: BINVERSION=LINUXnative 223: CP= cp 224: endif 225: 226: SED= sed 227: PACKAGE=imach 228: PROGRAM=IMaCh 229: 230: 231: TMPSETUPSCRIPT=setup.iss 232: TMPNOREGSETUPSCRIPT=noreg-setup.iss 233: 234: APPLICATION=IMaCh 235: APPNAME=$(APPLICATION)-$(VERSION) 236: APPCOMPILATIONMODE=$(IMACHSETUPVERSION) 237: GNUPLOTVERSION=4.6 238: LICENSE=Copying 239: TMPSETUPEXE=imach-$(VERSION)-$(IMACHSETUPVERSION)-setup.exe 240: TMPNOREGSETUPEXE=imach-$(VERSION)-$(IMACHSETUPVERSION)-noreg-setup.exe 241: LICENSEFILE=$(LICENSE) 242: INFOBEFOREFILE=README.txt 243: 244: setup.iss: 245: $(SED) -e "s/@APPNAME@/$(APPNAME)/g; \ 246: s/@NOTINNOREG@//g; \ 247: s/@NOREG@//g; \ 248: s/@IMACHSETUPVERSION@/$(IMACHSETUPVERSION)/g; \ 249: s/@APPCOMPILATIONMODE@/$(APPCOMPILATIONMODE)/g; \ 250: s/@VERSION@/$(VERSION)/g; \ 251: s/@GNUPLOTVERSION@/$(GNUPLOTVERSION)/g; \ 252: s/@INFOBEFOREFILE@/$(INFOBEFOREFILE)/g; \ 253: s/@LICENSEFILE@/$(LICENSEFILE)/g; \ 254: s/@PACKAGE@/$(PACKAGE)/g; \ 255: s/@DICTLANG@/$(DICTLANG)/g; \ 256: s/@VERMAJOR@/$(VERMAJOR)/g; \ 257: s/@COPYRIGHT@/$(COPYRIGHT)/g;" \ 258: > setup.iss 259: 260: $(TMPNOREGSETUPSCRIPT): $(TMPSCRIPTIN) 261: $(SED) -e "s/@APPNAME@/$(APPNAME)/g; \ 262: s/@NOTINNOREG@/\\;/g; \ 263: s/@NOREG@/noreg-/g; \ 264: s/@IMACHSETUPVERSION@/$(IMACHSETUPVERSION)/g; \ 265: s/@VERSION@/$(VERSION)/g; \ 266: s/@GNUPLOTVERSION@/$(GNUPLOTVERSION)/g; \ 267: s/@INFOBEFOREFILE@/$(INFOBEFOREFILE)/g; \ 268: s/@LICENSEFILE@/$(LICENSEFILE)/g; \ 269: s/@PACKAGE@/$(PACKAGE)/g; \ 270: s/@DICTLANG@/$(DICTLANG)/g; \ 271: s/@VERMAJOR@/$(VERMAJOR)/g; \ 272: s/@COPYRIGHT@/$(COPYRIGHT)/g;" \ 273: $(TMPSCRIPTIN) > $(TMPNOREGSETUPSCRIPT) 274: # $(UNIX2DOS) $(TMPNOREGSETUPSCRIPT) 275: 276: $(TMPSETUPEXE): $(TMPSETUPSCRIPT) 277: $(SETUPCOMP) /cc $(TMPSETUPSCRIPT) 278: 279: $(TMPNOREGSETUPEXE): $(TMPNOREGSETUPSCRIPT) 280: $(SETUPCOMP) /cc $(TMPNOREGSETUPSCRIPT) 281: 282: PARAM=mypar1 283: 284: imachcyg-setup: imachcygopt.exe setup.iss 285: touch 286: $(CP) imachcygopt.exe imach.exe 287: $(CP) imachcygopt.exe imach$(VERSION)-$(BINVERSION).exe 288: $(SETUPCOMP) /cc setup.iss 289: cp Output/$(TMPSETUPEXE) imachcyg-setup 290: 291: # imachcyg-noreg-setup : imachcygopt imachcygopt.o noreg-setup.iss $(TMPNOREGSETUPEXE) 292: imachcyg-noreg-setup: imachcygopt.exe noreg-setup.iss 293: touch 294: $(CP) imachcygopt.exe imach.exe 295: $(CP) imachcygopt.exe imach$(VERSION)-$(BINVERSION).exe 296: $(SETUPCOMP) /cc $(TMPNOREGSETUPSCRIPT) 297: cp Output/$(TMPNOREGSETUPEXE) imachcyg-noreg-setup 298: 299: # both 32 and 64 executables should have been built on Windows with Intel compiler. 300: imachILC-setup: IMaCh-ilc64-$(VERSION).exe IMaCh-ilc32-$(VERSION).exe setup.iss 301: pwd 302: $(SETUPCOMP) /cc setup.iss 303: $(CP) Output/$(TMPSETUPEXE) imachILC-setup 304: 305: imachILC64-setup: IMaCh-ilc64-$(VERSION).exe setup.iss 306: pwd 307: $(CP) IMaCh-ilc64-$(VERSION).exe imach.exe 308: $(SETUPCOMP) /cc setup.iss 309: $(CP) Output/$(TMPSETUPEXE) imachILC64-setup 310: 311: imachILC64-noreg-setup: IMaCh-ilc64-$(VERSION).exe noreg-setup.iss 312: touch 313: $(CP) IMaCh-ilc64-$(VERSION).exe imach.exe 314: $(SETUPCOMP) /cc $(TMPNOREGSETUPSCRIPT) 315: $(CP) Output/$(TMPSETUPEXE) imachILC64-noreg-setup 316: 317: imachILC32-setup: IMaCh-ilc32-$(VERSION).exe setup.iss 318: touch 319: $(CP) IMaCh-ilc32-$(VERSION).exe imach.exe 320: $(SETUPCOMP) /cc setup.iss 321: $(CP) Output/$(TMPSETUPEXE) imachILC32-setup 322: 323: imachILC32-noreg-setup: IMaCh-ilc32.exe noreg-setup.iss 324: touch 325: $(CP) IMaCh-ilc32.exe imach.exe 326: $(SETUPCOMP) /cc $(TMPNOREGSETUPSCRIPT) 327: $(CP) Output/$(TMPSETUPEXE) imachILC32-noreg-setup 328: 329: imachMVC-setup: imachMVC.exe setup.iss 330: touch 331: $(CP) imachMVC.exe imach.exe 332: $(SETUPCOMP) /cc setup.iss 333: $(CP) Output/$(TMPSETUPEXE) imachcyg-setup 334: 335: # imachcyg-noreg-setup : imachcygopt imachcygopt.o noreg-setup.iss $(TMPNOREGSETUPEXE) 336: imachMVC-noreg-setup: imachMVC.exe noreg-setup.iss 337: touch 338: $(CP) imachMVC.exe imach.exe 339: $(SETUPCOMP) /cc $(TMPNOREGSETUPSCRIPT) 340: $(CP) Output/$(TMPNOREGSETUPEXE) imachcyg-noreg-setup 341: 342: simach : simach.o 343: $(CC) $(LFLAGS) $(LGSL) -o simach simach.o 344: simach.o : simach.c 345: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DGSL -c simach.c 346: 347: imachtest: imachtest.o 348: $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o imachtest imachtest.o 349: ifdef _macosx 350: $(DSYMUTIL) imachtest 351: endif 352: 353: imach: imach.o 354: $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o imach imach.o 355: ifdef _macosx 356: $(DSYMUTIL) imach 357: endif 358: 359: imach.o : imach.c 360: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CROSSCOMPILATION) -DDEBUGBRENT -c imach.c 361: 362: imachtest.o : imach.c 363: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CROSSCOMPILATION) -DPOWELLORIGINAL -DNRCORIGINAL -DINFINITYORIGINAL -DDEBUGBRENT -o imachtest.o -c imach.c 364: 365: # $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CROSSCOMPILATION) -DFIXMNBRAK -o imachtest.o -c imach.c 366: 367: # 368: imachcl: imach.c 369: cl /O2 /MT /o imach.exe imach.c 370: 371: imach097b : imach097b.o 372: $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o imach097b imach097b.o 373: imach097b.o : imach097b.c 374: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DPOWELL -c imach097b.c 375: 376: 377: imachsimplified : imachsimplified.o 378: $(CC) $(LFLAGSOPT) -o imachsimplified imachsimplified.o 379: imachsimplified.o : imachsimplified.c 380: $(CC) $(CFLAGSOPT) -DPOWELL -c imachsimplified.c 381: 382: imachgsl : imachgsl.o 383: $(CC) -o imachgsl imach.o $(LFLAGS) $(LGSL) 384: imachgsl.o : imach.c 385: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DGSL $(IGSL) -c imach.c 386: 387: imachNEWUOAopt : imachNEWUOAopt.o 388: $(CC) -o imachNEWUOAopt imachNEWUOAopt.o $(LFLAGS) -g $(LNLOPT) 389: imachNEWUOAopt.o : imach.c 390: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -g -DNLOPT $(INLOPT) -DNEWUOA -o imachNEWUOAopt.o -c imach.c 391: 392: imachBOBYQAopt : imachBOBYQAopt.o 393: $(CC) -o imachBOBYQAopt imachBOBYQAopt.o $(LFLAGS) $(LNLOPT) 394: imachBOBYQAopt.o : imach.c 395: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DNLOPT $(INLOPT) -DBOBYQA -o imachBOBYQAopt.o -c imach.c 396: 397: 398: imachopt : imachopt.o 399: $(CC) $(LFLAGSOPT) -o imachopt imachopt.o 400: ln -f imachopt imach 401: $(CP) imachopt Output/imachopt$(VERSION)-$(BINVERSION) 402: $(CP) -f imach ../bin 403: ifdef _intel64onosx 404: $(CP) imachopt Output/imachopt$(VERSION)-$(BINVERSION) 405: endif 406: ifdef _macosx 407: $(STRIP) imach 408: endif 409: ifdef _linux32onosx 410: (cd .. && $(TAR) jcvf src/Output/imach-Linux-$(VERSION)-$(BINVERSION).tar.bz2 bin html/doc/biaspar.imach html/doc/data1.txt) 411: endif 412: ifdef _linux64onosx 413: (cd .. && $(TAR) jcvf src/Output/imach-Linux-$(VERSION)-$(BINVERSION).tar.bz2 bin html/doc/biaspar.imach html/doc/data1.txt) 414: endif 415: 416: imachopt.o : imach.c 417: $(CC) $(CFLAGSOPT) $(CROSSCOMPILATION) -o imachopt.o -c imach.c 418: # $(CC) $(CFLAGSOPT) -DPOWELL -o imachopt.o -c imach.c 419: 420: imachUB : imach32 imach64 421: lipo -create -arch i386 imach_32 -arch x86_64 imach_64 -output imach$(VERSION) 422: 423: 424: #imachdmg : imachopt.o create-dmg applet IMaCh.icns IMaCh-ecrandemarrage.rsrc TXT.rtf 425: imachdmg : imachopt.o create-dmg applet IMaCh.icns IMaCh-ecrandemarrage.rsrc TXT.rtf 426: $(CC) $(LFLAGSOPT) -o imach imachopt.o 427: #hdiutil detach /Volumes/IMaCh\ $(VERSION) 428: rm -rf imach$(VERSION).app 429: mkdir -p imach$(VERSION).app 430: mkdir -p imach$(VERSION).app/Contents 431: mkdir -p imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/MacOS 432: cp applet imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/MacOS 433: mkdir -p imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/Resources 434: mkdir -p imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/Resources/Scripts 435: mkdir -p imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/Resources/bin 436: mkdir -p imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/Resources/html 437: cp imach imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/Resources/bin 438: cp gnuplot_bin/gnuplot_2_6_5_OSX imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnuplot 439: mkdir -p imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/Resources/description.rtfd 440: cp -p TXT.rtf imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/Resources/description.rtfd 441: $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(VERSION)/g;" \ 442: >imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/Info.plist 443: cp -p imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/PkgInfo 444: cp -p IMaCh.icns imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/Resources/applet.icns 445: cp -r -p imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/main.scpt 446: cp IMaCH-ecrandemarrage.rsrc imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/Resources/applet.rsrc 447: cp ../html/doc/data1.txt imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/Resources/html 448: cp ../html/doc/biaspar.log imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/Resources/html 449: cp ../html/doc/biaspar.imach imach$(VERSION).app/Contents/Resources/html 450: rm -f imach$(VERSION).dmg 451: ./ --volname "IMaCh $(VERSION)" imach$(VERSION).dmg imach$(VERSION) 452: mv imach$(VERSION).dmg Output/ 453: # ./create-dmg --volname "IMaCh $(VERSION)" imach$(VERSION).dmg imach$(VERSION).app 454: # ./ --volname "IMaCh $(VERSION)" imach$(VERSION).dmg imach$(VERSION) 455: 456: upload: 457: ls Output/* | xargs md5sum 458: rsync -v Output/* 459: 460: imachcyg : imachcyg.o 461: $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o imach imachcyg.o 462: imachcyg.o : imach.c 463: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o imachcyg.o imach.c 464: imachcygopt.exe : imachcygopt.o 465: $(CC) $(LFLAGSOPT) -o imachcygopt.exe imachcygopt.o 466: imachcygopt.o : imach.c 467: $(CC) $(CFLAGSOPT) -c -o imachcygopt.o imach.c 468: 469: imachw32.o : imach.c 470: i386-mingw32-gcc -c imach.c -o imachw32.o 471: imach.exe : imachw32.o 472: i386-mingw32-gcc -mwindows -o imach.exe -lm imachw32.o 473: i386-mingw32-strip imach.exe 474: 475: valgrind-test : imach $(TESTFILE) 476: valgrind --dsymutil=yes --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes ./imach $(TESTFILE) 477: test: imach $(TESTFILE) 478: gdb ./imach $(TESTFILE) 479: 480: $(PARAM).htm: imach $(PARAM).imach data1.txt 481: ./imach $(PARAM).imach 482: 483: clean: 484: rm or$(PARAM).txt er$(PARAM).txt pijr$(PARAM).txt plr$(PARAM).txt \ 485: r$(PARAM).txt tr$(PARAM).txt vpl$(PARAM).txt pr$(PARAM).txt \ 486: vr$(PARAM).txt *.gif imach.exe imach.o 487: 488: