/* $Id$
+ Revision 1.347 2022/09/18 14:36:44 brouard
+ Summary: version 0.99r42
Revision 1.346 2022/09/16 13:52:36 brouard
* src/imach.c (Module): 0.99r41 Was an error when product of timevarying and fixed. Using FixedV[of name] now. Thank you Feinuo
for (i=1; i<= nlstate ; i ++) {
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s-p%dj-%d.png\";set ylabel \"Probability for each individual/wave\";",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"ILK_"),i,kvar);
fprintf(ficgp,"unset log;\n# For each simple dummy covariate of the model \n plot \"%s\"",subdirf(fileresilk));
- fprintf(ficgp," u 2:($5 == %d && $6==%d ? $10 : 1/0):($%d==0 ? 7 : 9):($%d==0 ? $6 : $6+4) t \"p%d%d V%d\" with points pt variable ps 0.4 lc variable \\\n",i,1,k,k,i,1,kvar);
- for (j=2; j<= nlstate+ndeath ; j ++) {
- fprintf(ficgp,",\\\n \"\" u 2:($5 == %d && $6==%d ? $10 : 1/0):($%d==0 ? 7 : 9):($%d==0 ? $6 : $6+4) t \"p%d%d V%d\" with points pt variable ps 0.4 lc variable ",i,j,k,k,i,j,kvar);
+ if(gnuplotversion >=5.2){ /* Former gnuplot versions do not have variable pointsize!! */
+ fprintf(ficgp," u 2:($5 == %d && $6==%d ? $10 : 1/0):($%d==0 ? 7 : 9):($%d==0 ? $6 : $6+4) t \"p%d%d V%d\" with points pt variable ps 0.4 lc variable \\\n",i,1,k,k,i,1,kvar);
+ for (j=2; j<= nlstate+ndeath ; j ++) {
+ fprintf(ficgp,",\\\n \"\" u 2:($5 == %d && $6==%d ? $10 : 1/0):($%d==0 ? 7 : 9):($%d==0 ? $6 : $6+4) t \"p%d%d V%d\" with points pt variable ps 0.4 lc variable ",i,j,k,k,i,j,kvar);
+ }
+ }else{
+ fprintf(ficgp," u 2:($5 == %d && $6==%d ? $10 : 1/0):($%d==0 ? $6 : $6+4) t \"p%d%d V%d\" with points pt 7 ps 0.4 lc variable \\\n",i,1,k,i,1,kvar);
+ for (j=2; j<= nlstate+ndeath ; j ++) {
+ fprintf(ficgp,",\\\n \"\" u 2:($5 == %d && $6==%d ? $10 : 1/0):($%d==0 ? $6 : $6+4) t \"p%d%d V%d\" with points pt 7 ps 0.4 lc variable ",i,j,k,i,j,kvar);
+ }
fprintf(ficgp,";\nset out; unset ylabel;\n");
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s-p%dj-%d.png\";set ylabel \"Probability for each individual/wave\";",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"ILK_"),i,kvar);
fprintf(ficgp,"unset log;\n# For each simple dummy covariate of the model \n plot \"%s\"",subdirf(fileresilk));
+ /* printf("Before DebugILK gnuplotversion=%g >=5.2\n",gnuplotversion); */
if(gnuplotversion >=5.2){ /* Former gnuplot versions do not have variable pointsize!! */
/* printf("DebugILK gnuplotversion=%g >=5.2\n",gnuplotversion); */
fprintf(ficgp," u 2:($5 == %d && $6==%d ? $10 : 1/0):($%d==0 ? 7 : 9):($%d==0 ? $6 : $6+4) t \"p%d%d V%d\" with points pt variable ps 0.4 lc variable \\\n",i,1,k,k,i,1,kvar);
fprintf(ficlog,"Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be a status of wave %d. Setting maxwav=%d might be wrong. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,j,maxwav);fflush(ficlog);
return 1;
}else if( lval==0 || lval > nlstate+ndeath){
- printf("Error in data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\n Should be a state at wave %d. A state should be 1 to %d and not %d.\n Fix your data file '%s'! Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,j,nlstate+ndeath, lval, datafile);fflush(stdout);
- fprintf(ficlog,"Error in data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\n Should be a state at wave %d. A state should be 1 to %d and not %d.\n Fix your data file '%s'! Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,j,nlstate+ndeath, lval, datafile); fflush(ficlog);
+ printf("Error in data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\n Should be a state at wave %d. A state should be 1 to %d and not %ld.\n Fix your data file '%s'! Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,j,nlstate+ndeath, lval, datafile);fflush(stdout);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"Error in data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\n Should be a state at wave %d. A state should be 1 to %d and not %ld.\n Fix your data file '%s'! Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,j,nlstate+ndeath, lval, datafile); fflush(ficlog);
return 1;