+2024-04-24 Nicolas Brouard <brouard@ined.fr>
+ * (Module): This version comes late after having tested
+ successfully the praxis C version of Buckhardt. But Buckardt's
+ version was difficult to read and Gegenfurtner's version had a few
+ typos which made its results less reliable than Buckhardt's
+ results. The most important work consisted in retyping the Brent
+ original PRAXIS program written in Algol W (published with errors,
+ ommitting the transposition of matrix V before its QR reduction
+ from Golub. I used the recent "awe" compiler from Gkynn Webster.
+ The awe library had errors, for example in arc tangent function
+ which have been fixed.
+ The main objective was to get identical results with the three
+ versions: (1) Algol W, (2) Buckhardt'C version as well (3)
+ Gegenfürtner C versions on the various test functions published by
+ Brent in 1973 in Algol W.
+ Also, in order to compare them, the random function had to produce
+ the same sequence for the 3 softwares. The random function used in
+ imach corresponds to original Brent's random function written in
+ Algol W. Other point, in Algol W, the arrays of dimension n are
+ 'normal' mathematical arrays starting from 1 to n. But this is a
+ real issue in C where, by default, arrays are starting from 0 to
+ n-1. In Buckhardt, as well as in Gegenfürtner C code, it can be
+ seen that authors while trying to mimick original Brent Algol W
+ code are hesitating by changing either a loop originally from 1 to
+ n in a loop from 0 to n-1, or keeping Brent's loop from 1 to n and
+ shifting the index from original X(I) in Algol W to x[i-1] in C.
+ But as IMaCh is using, since the beginning, the Numerical Recipes
+ functions vector or matrix, I changed Geggenfürtner code to mimick
+ the original Algol W arrays. Thus the X(I) is translated in C as
+ x[i] which minimizes the errors. The Golub QR algorithm was
+ published in Algol with overflow errors which were reproduced in
+ Brent's Algol W code. Buckhardt code fixed these errors which are
+ much more problematic in C than in Algol W. Thus Buckhardt code
+ seems very safe, but i haven't chosen it for IMaCh because the C
+ style is horrible and almost unreadable compared to Gegenfürtner
+ CO code which is very close to Brent's original. Also what makes
+ Buckhardt code more difficult to read is, instead of passing the
+ minimum of parameters in the functions calls, as it is in Algol
+ Brent's code or Gegenfürtner's code, the list of parameters is
+ high. For example, the flin function LONG REAL PROCEDURE FLIN
+ (LONG REAL VALUE L) has only one parameter in Algol W, the
+ Gegenfürtner flin function had two parameters: static double
+ flin(l, j) double l; { int i; double tflin[N];} but Buckhardt
+ function has 14 parameters which makes the code unreadable and
+ useless. Gegenfürtner used a lot of static variables or functions
+ which I tried to minimize. Also in Gegefürtner, array dimensions
+ were fixed to N. In my adaptation the flin is static double
+ flin(double l, int j) and the parameter used are global variables.
+2023-06-14 Nicolas Brouard <brouard@ined.fr>
+ * imach.c (Module): Testing if conjugate gradient could be quicker
+ when lot of variables POWELLORIGINCONJUGATE
2023-05-23 Nicolas Brouard <brouard@ined.fr>
* imach.c (Module): Fixed PROB_r