/* $Id$
+ Revision 1.361 2024/05/12 20:29:32 brouard
+ Summary: Version 0.99s5
+ * src/imach.c Version 0.99s5 In fact, the covariance of total life
+ expectancy e.. with a partial life expectancy e.j is high,
+ therefore the complete matrix of variance covariance has to be
+ included in the formula of the standard error of the proportion of
+ total life expectancy spent in a specific state:
+ var(X/Y)=mu_x^2/mu_y^2*(sigma_x^2/mu_x^2 -2
+ sigma_xy/mu_x/mu_y+sigma^2/mu_y^2). Also an error with mle=-3
+ made the program core dump. It is fixed in this version.
Revision 1.360 2024/04/30 10:59:22 brouard
Summary: Version 0.99s4 and estimation of std of e.j/e..
long lval;
double dval;
+/* This for praxis gegen */
+ /* int prin=1; */
+ double h0=0.25;
+ double macheps;
+ double ffmin;
#define NR_END 1
#define FREE_ARG char*
#define FTOL 1.0e-10
if (k > 0) *d2 = 0;
- printf(" bebe end of min x1=%14.8e fx=%14.8e d2=%14.8e\n",*x1, fx, *d2);
+ printf(" bebe end of min x1 might be very wrong x1=%14.8e fx=%14.8e d2=%14.8e\n",*x1, fx, *d2);
if (*d2 <= small_windows) *d2 = small_windows;
*x1 = x2; fx = fm;
printf("praxis4 macheps=%14g h=%14g step=%14g small=%14g t=%14g\n",macheps,h, h0,small_windows, t);
/* min(0, 2, &d[0], &s, fx, 0); /\* mac heps not global *\/ */
- minny(1, 2, &d[1], &s, fx, 0); /* mac heps not global */
+ minny(1, 2, &d[1], &s, fx, 0); /* mac heps not global it seems that fx doesn't correspond to f(s=*x1) */
printf("praxis5 macheps=%14g h=%14g looks at sign of s=%14g fx=%14g\n",macheps,h, s,fx);
printf(" + age*age ");
fprintf(ficlog," + age*age ");
- for(j=1;j <=ncovmodel-2;j++){
+ for(j=1;j <=ncovmodel-2-nagesqr;j++){
if(Typevar[j]==0) {
printf(" + V%d ",Tvar[j]);
fprintf(ficlog," + V%d ",Tvar[j]);
#else /* FLATSUP */
/* powell(p,xi,npar,ftol,&iter,&fret,func);*/
/* praxis ( t0, h0, n, prin, x, beale_f ); */
- int prin=1;
- double h0=0.25;
- double macheps;
- double fmin;
+ /* int prin=1; */
+ /* double h0=0.25; */
+ /* double macheps; */
+ /* double fmin; */
/* #include "praxis.h" */
/* Be careful that praxis start at x[0] and powell start at p[1] */
fprintf(ficlog, "Praxis Gegenfurtner\n");fflush(ficlog);
/* praxis ( ftol, h0, npar, prin, p1, func ); */
/* fmin = praxis(1.e-5,macheps, h, n, prin, x, func); */
- fmin = praxis(ftol,macheps, h0, npar, prin, p, func);
+ ffmin = praxis(ftol,macheps, h0, npar, prin, p, func);
printf("End Praxis\n");
#endif /* FLATSUP */
double ***gradg, ***trgradg; /**< for var eij */
double **gradgp, **trgradgp; /**< for var p point j */
double *gpp, *gmp; /**< for var p point j */
- double **varppt; /**< for var e.. nlstate+1 to nlstate+ndeath */
+ double **varppt; /**< for var p.3 p.death nlstate+1 to nlstate+ndeath */
double ***p3mat;
double age,agelim, hf;
/* double ***mobaverage; */
} else if (cens[i] == 0){
- +log(x[1]/YEARM) +x[2]*(agedc[i]-agegomp)+log(YEARM);
+ +log(fabs(x[1])/YEARM) +x[2]*(agedc[i]-agegomp)+log(YEARM);
+ /* +log(x[1]/YEARM) +x[2]*(agedc[i]-agegomp)+log(YEARM); */ /* To be seen */
} else
printf("Gompertz cens[%d] neither 1 nor 0\n",i);
/*if (wav[i] > 1 && agecens[i] > 15) {*/ /* ??? */
for (j=1;j<=npar;j++) flatdir[j]=0;
- powell(p,ximort,NDIM,ftol,&iter,&fret,gompertz);
+ /* powell(p,ximort,NDIM,ftol,&iter,&fret,gompertz); */
+ /* double h0=0.25; */
+ macheps=pow(16.0,-13.0);
+ printf("Praxis Gegenfurtner mle=%d\n",mle);
+ fprintf(ficlog, "Praxis Gegenfurtner mle=%d\n", mle);fflush(ficlog);
+ /* ffmin = praxis(ftol,macheps, h0, npar, prin, p, gompertz); */
+ /* For the Gompertz we use only two parameters */
+ int _npar=2;
+ ffmin = praxis(ftol,macheps, h0, _npar, 4, p, gompertz);
+ printf("End Praxis\n");
fprintf(ficlog," + age*age ");
fprintf(fichtm, "<th>+ age*age</th>");
- for(j=1;j <=ncovmodel-2;j++){
+ for(j=1;j <=ncovmodel-2-nagesqr;j++){
if(Typevar[j]==0) {
printf(" + V%d ",Tvar[j]);
fprintf(ficres," + V%d ",Tvar[j]);
fprintf(ficlog," + age*age ");
fprintf(fichtm, "<th>+ age*age</th>");
- for(j=1;j <=ncovmodel-2;j++){
+ for(j=1;j <=ncovmodel-2-nagesqr;j++){
if(Typevar[j]==0) {
printf(" + V%d ",Tvar[j]);
fprintf(fichtm, "<th>+ V%d</th>",Tvar[j]);