#Version has to be set in ../CMakeLists.txt too.
#VERSION=$(shell echo `grep IMACH_VERSION__ version.h | echo 'titi'`)
VERSION=$(shell echo `grep IMACH_VERSION__ version.h | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "[ \t\n\"]+" } { print $$3 }'`)
OSTYPE = $(shell echo $$OSTYPE)
-# DRIVEG is for VirtualBox Windows 64bit
-#DIRG is the corresponding build directory for Virtual Windows
-COPYRIGHT=Copyright (C) 2002-2022 INED-EUROREVES-Institut de longevite-Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 25293121) - Intel Software 2016-19
+COPYRIGHT=Copyright (C) 2002-2024 INED-EUROREVES-Institut de longevite-Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 25293121) - Intel Software 2016-19
-# This is for Windows only
# Linux
# make _linux=1 imachopt
# make _linux=1 imach
# make _linux=1 imachrpm
+# make _linux=1 imachsrcrpm
# cd to build/gnulinux ; cmake ../..; cpack -D CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_DEBUG=1 -D CPACK_RPM_SPEC_INSTALL_POST="/bin/true" -G RPM
# make _linux32onosx=1 imachopt
# make _linux64onosx=1 imachopt
# OS/X
# make _macosx=1 imachdmg
-# make _intel64onosx=1 imachopt
-# make _intel32onosx=1 imachopt
-# make _intelUNBonosx=1 imachdmg # Not implemented (not useful)
# make _macosx=1 imach
# make _macosx=1 imachopt
-# valgrind --dsymutil=yes --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes ~/Documents/imachcvs/imach/src/imach-1.129cvsmac radlc-1.129.imach
-# Windows should be started on VirtualBox and both 32 and 64 commands should be made
-# xlcem is year month delay, doing the command make on the username and not on root
-# on emacs shell:
-# sudo xlcem make _windowsonosx=1 imachICL64-setup
-# ls -l ../build/icl64/Release/
-# sudo xlcem make _windowsonosx=1 imachICL32-setup
-# ls -l ../build/icl32/Release/
-# and then F: should be mounted on ~/Documents
-# For an unknown reason, the exe file on /Documents/imach/cvs/imach/build/icl64/Release~or icl32 are not recognized by make which deletes
-# previous work and imachICL-set
-# has to be done manually: SETUPCOMP=~/bin/InnoSetup5Playonmac
-# and $SETUPCOMP /cc setup.iss
-# or on Emacs make _windowsonosx=1 imachICL-set (and not imachICL-setup)
-# sudo date -u 082109552022
-# make _windowsonosx=1 imachICL-setup (touch setup.iss.in) #binary should have been compiled on Windows with Intel
-# make _windowsonosx=1 imachICL64-setup (touch setup.iss.in) #binary should have been compiled on Windows with Intel
-# make _windowsonosx=1 imachICL32-setup (touch setup.iss.in) #binary should have been compiled on Windows with Intel
-# make _windowsonosx=1 imachMVC-setup (touch setup.iss.in) #binary should have been compiled on Windows with cl
-# make _windowsonosx=1 imachMVC-noreg-setup
-# Windows cross-compiled mw64
-# make _mw64onsox=1 imachcyg-setup
-# make _windows=1 imachcyg
-# make _windows=1 imachcyg-setup (touch setup.iss.in)
-# make _windows=1 imachcyg-noreg-setup
-# make _windowsonlinux=1 imachcyg-setup (touch setup.iss.in)
-# make _windowsonlinux=1 imachcyg-noreg-setup
-# make _windowscl=1 imachclopt
-# sortie dans Output/setup.exe
-# ln -s /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Inno\ Setup\ 4/Compil32.exe /usr/local/bin/Compil32
-##SETUPCOMP= "C:\Program Files\Inno Setup 3\Compil32.exe"
-# Two testfiles which should give similar results with V1=1 whatever V2 and V3.
#CC= gcc -v
-GCC= gcc
-GCCOPT= gcc
+#GCC= gcc
ifdef _macosx
GCC= gcc-11
SETUPCOMP= "C:////Program Files////Inno Setup 4////Compil32.exe"
-ifdef _windowsonlinux
-CP= cp
-UNIX2DOS= unix2dos
-SETUPCOMP= wine "C:////Program Files////Inno Setup 4////Compil32.exe"
-ifdef _windowsonosx
-UNIX2DOS= unix2dos
-SETUPCOMP= ~/bin/InnoSetup5Playonmac
-CP= cp
-ifdef _mw64onosx
-LFLAGSOPT= -O3 -lm -s
-UNIX2DOS= unix2dos
-SETUPCOMP= ~/bin/InnoSetup5Playonmac
-CP= cp
-ifdef _windowscl
-rem "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\vcvas32.bat"
-# make _intel64onosx=1 imachopt
-#source /opt/intel/bin/iccvars.sh intel64
-ifdef _intel64onosx
-CFLAGS= -m64 -g -std=c99
-LFLAGS= -g -m64
-#CFLAGSOPT= -O3 -m64 -g -std=c99 -no-prec-div idem
-#CFLAGSOPT= -O3 -m64 -g -std=c99 -xSSSE3_ATOM 402
-CFLAGSOPT= -O3 -m64 -g -std=c99
-IGNORE :=$(shell bash -c "source /opt/intel/bin/iccvars.sh intel64; env | sed 's/=/:=/' | sed 's/^/export /' > makeenv")
-include makeenv
-#lipo -create -arch i386 HelloWorld_32 -arch x86_64 HelloWorld_64 -output HelloWorld
-LFLAGSOPT= -O3 -m64
-UNIX2DOS= unix2dos
-SETUPCOMP= ~/bin/InnoSetup5Playonmac
-CP= cp
-ifdef _intel32onosx
-CFLAGS= -m32 -g -std=c99
-LFLAGS= -g -m32
-CFLAGSOPT= -O3 -m32 -g -std=c99
-IGNORE :=$(shell bash -c "source /opt/intel/bin/iccvars.sh ia32; env | sed 's/=/:=/' | sed 's/^/export /' > makeenv")
-include makeenv
-#lipo -create -arch i386 HelloWorld_32 -arch x86_64 HelloWorld_64 -output HelloWorld
-#lipo -create -arch i386 imach_32$(VERSION) -arch x86_64 imach_64$(VERSION) -output imach$(VERSION)
-LFLAGSOPT= -O3 -m32
-UNIX2DOS= unix2dos
-SETUPCOMP= ~/bin/InnoSetup5Playonmac
-CP= cp
-ifdef _linux64onosx
-LFLAGSOPT= -O3 -lm -s
-TAR= /sw/bin/gnutar
-UNIX2DOS= unix2dos
-SETUPCOMP= ~/bin/InnoSetup5Playonmac
-CP= cp
-ifdef _linux32onosx
-LFLAGSOPT= -O3 -s -lm
-TAR= /sw/bin/gnutar
-UNIX2DOS= unix2dos
-SETUPCOMP= ~/bin/InnoSetup5Playonmac
-CP= cp
ifdef _linux
LFLAGS= -g -lm
-IGSL= -I/usr/include/gsl
-LGSL= -lgsl -lgslcblas
INLOPT= -I/usr/local/include
LNLOPT= -lm -L/usr/local/lib -lnlopt
-imachcyg-setup: imachcygopt.exe setup.iss
- touch setup.iss.in
- $(CP) imachcygopt.exe imach.exe
- $(CP) imachcygopt.exe imach$(VERSION)-$(BINVERSION).exe
- $(SETUPCOMP) /cc setup.iss
- cp Output/$(TMPSETUPEXE) imachcyg-setup
-# imachcyg-noreg-setup : imachcygopt imachcygopt.o setup.iss.in noreg-setup.iss $(TMPNOREGSETUPEXE)
-imachcyg-noreg-setup: imachcygopt.exe noreg-setup.iss
- touch setup.iss.in
- $(CP) imachcygopt.exe imach.exe
- $(CP) imachcygopt.exe imach$(VERSION)-$(BINVERSION).exe
- cp Output/$(TMPNOREGSETUPEXE) imachcyg-noreg-setup
-# ICL compiler 64
-imachICL-build: imach.c
- icl /GS /W3 /Zc:wchar_t /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "UNICODE" /Qipo /Zc:forScope /MT imach.c
-#/GS /W3 /Gy /Zc:wchar_t /Zi /O2 /Fd"x64\Release\vc120.pdb" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_LIB" /D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /Qipo /Zc:forScope /Oi /MT /Fa"x64\Release\" /EHsc /nologo /Fo"x64\Release\" /Qprof-dir "x64\Release\" /Fp"x64\Release\IMaCh-icl-x64-0.98q2.pch"
-# /Users/nbrouard/Documents/imach/imach-gui/build/icl64/Release/imach.exe
-# both 32 and 64 executables should have been built on Windows with Intel compiler.
-imachICL-set: ../build/icl64/Release/imach-$(VERSION).exe ../build/icl32/Release/imach-$(VERSION).exe setup.iss
- pwd
- touch setup.iss.in
- echo STRIP= $(STRIP)
- $(SETUPCOMP) /cc setup.iss
- $(CP) Output/$(TMPSETUPEXE) imachICL-setup
-# imachICL64-setup: IMaCh-icl64-$(VERSION).exe setup.iss
-# pwd
-# $(CP) IMaCh-icl64-$(VERSION).exe imach.exe
-# $(SETUPCOMP) /cc setup.iss
-# $(CP) Output/$(TMPSETUPEXE) imachICL64-setup
-imachICL64-noreg-setup: IMaCh-icl64-$(VERSION).exe noreg-setup.iss
- touch setup.iss.in
- $(CP) Output/$(TMPSETUPEXE) imachICL64-noreg-setup
-../build/icl64/Release/IMaCh-$(VERSION).exe: imach.c ../distributions/windows/mybuildicl64.bat
- rm -rf ../build/icl64 && mkdir ../build/icl64
- cp ../distributions/windows/mybuildicl64.bat ../build/icl64/
- cd ../build/icl64
- VBoxManage --nologo guestcontrol "Windows7-64" run --exe "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" \
- --username brouard --verbose --wait-stdout --wait-stderr -- "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe" "/c" "$(DRIVEG)$(DIRG)\icl64\mybuildicl64.bat" "$(VERSION)" "$(DRIVEG)" "$(DIRG)"
-# VBoxManage --nologo guestcontrol "Windows7-64" run --exe "c:\\windows\\system32\\ipconfig.exe" --username brouard --verbose --wait-stdout --wait-stderr -- "/all"
-# VBoxManage --nologo guestcontrol "Windows7-64" run --exe "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe" --username brouard --verbose --wait-stdout --wait-stderr -- "/c" "DIR"
-# VBoxManage --nologo guestcontrol "Windows7-64" run --exe "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe" --username brouard --verbose --wait-stdout --wait-stderr -- "/c" "DIR"
-# VBoxManage --nologo guestcontrol "Windows7-64" run --exe "c:\\windows\\system32\\ipconfig.exe" --username brouard --verbose --wait-stdout --wait-stderr -- "/all"
-#VBoxManage --nologo guestcontrol "Windows7-64" run --exe "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe" \
-# --username brouard --verbose --wait-stdout --wait-stderr -- "/c" "$(DRIVEG)$(DIRG)\icl64\mybuildicl64.bat" "$(VERSION)" "$(DRIVEG)" "$(DIRG)"
-../build/icl32/Release/IMaCh-$(VERSION).exe: imach.c ../distributions/windows/mybuildicl32.bat
- rm -rf ../build/icl32 && mkdir -p ../build/icl32
- cp ../distributions/windows/mybuildicl32.bat ../build/icl32/
- cd ../build/icl32
- VBoxManage --nologo guestcontrol "Windows7-64" run --exe "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" \
- --username brouard --verbose --wait-stdout -- "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe" "/c" "$(DRIVEG)$(DIRG)\icl32\mybuildicl32.bat" "$(VERSION)" "$(DRIVEG)" "$(DIRG)"
-# VBoxManage startvm "Windows7-64" --type headless
-# VBoxManage list runningvms
-# sudo xlcem VBoxManage --nologo guestcontrol "Windows7-64" run --exe "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" \
-# --username brouard --verbose --wait-stdout -- "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe" "/c" "$(DRIVEG)$(DIRG)\icl32\mybuildicl32.bat" "$(VERSION)" "$(DRIVEG)" "$(DIRG)"
-#VBoxManage --nologo guestcontrol "Windows7-64" run --exe "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe" \
-# --username brouard --verbose --wait-stdout -- "/c" "$(DRIVEG)$(DIRG)\icl32\mybuildicl32.bat" "$(VERSION)" "$(DRIVEG)" "$(DIRG)"
-../build/vs32/Release/IMaCh-$(VERSION).exe: imach.c mybuildvs32.bat
- rm -rf ../build/vs32 && mkdir -p ../build/vs32
- cp mybuildvs32.bat ../build/vs32/
- cd ../build/vs32
- VBoxManage --nologo guestcontrol "Windows7-64" run --exe "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" \
- --username brouard --verbose --wait-stdout -- "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe" "/c" "g:\imach\imach-gui\build\vs32\mybuildvs32.bat" "$(VERSION)"
-# C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /E:ON /V:ON /K "g:\imach\imach-gui\build\icl32\mybuild.bat"
-#WORK --username brouard --verbose --wait-exit --wait-stdout -- "/c" "c:\users\brouard\mybuild.bat"
-# --username brouard --verbose --wait-exit --wait-stdout -- "/c" "g: && cd \imach\imach-gui\build\icl32 && mybuild.bat"
-# --username brouard --verbose --wait-exit --wait-stdout -- "/c" "g: && cd \imach\imach-gui\build\icl32-xp &&" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" "&&" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Composer XE 2015\bin\ipsxe-comp-vars.bat" "ia32" "vs2013" "&&" "msbuild imach-0.98q3.vcxproj /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release"
-# --username brouard --wait-exit --wait-stdout -- "/c" "g: && cd \imach\imach-gui\build\icl32-xp\ &&C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /E:ON /V:ON /K ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Composer XE 2015\bin\ipsxe-comp-vars.bat" ia32 vs2013"&& msbuild imach.vcxproj >c:\users\brouard\totog.txt"
-# --username brouard --wait-exit --wait-stdout -- "/c" "g: && dir >c:\users\brouard\totog.txt"
-#C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /E:ON /V:ON /K ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Composer XE 2015\bin\ipsxe-comp-vars.bat" ia32 vs2013"
-#C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /E:ON /V:ON /K ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Composer XE 2015\bin\ipsxe-comp-vars.bat" intel64 vs2013"
-imachICL64-setup: ../build/icl64/Release/IMaCh-$(VERSION).exe setup.iss mybuildicl64.bat
-imachICL32-setup: ../build/icl32/Release/IMaCh-$(VERSION).exe setup.iss ../distributions/windows/mybuildicl32.bat
-imachVS32-setup: ../build/vs32/Release/IMaCh-$(VERSION).exe setup.iss mybuildvs32.bat
-imachICL32-noreg-setup: IMaCh-icl32.exe noreg-setup.iss
- touch setup.iss.in
- $(CP) IMaCh-icl32.exe imach.exe
- $(CP) Output/$(TMPSETUPEXE) imachICL32-noreg-setup
-imachMVC-setup: imachMVC.exe setup.iss
- touch setup.iss.in
- $(CP) imachMVC.exe imach.exe
- $(SETUPCOMP) /cc setup.iss
- $(CP) Output/$(TMPSETUPEXE) imachMVC-setup
-# imachcyg-noreg-setup : imachcygopt imachcygopt.o setup.iss.in noreg-setup.iss $(TMPNOREGSETUPEXE)
-imachMVC-noreg-setup: imachMVC.exe noreg-setup.iss
- touch setup.iss.in
- $(CP) imachMVC.exe imach.exe
- $(CP) Output/$(TMPNOREGSETUPEXE) imachcyg-noreg-setup
-simach : simach.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGS) $(LGSL) -o simach simach.o
-simach.o : simach.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DGSL -c simach.c
-imachtest: imachtest.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o imachtest imachtest.o
-ifdef _macosx
- $(DSYMUTIL) imachtest
imach: imach.o
$(CC) -o imach $(LFLAGS) imach.o
-imach-0.98r: imach-0.98r.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-ifdef _macosx
- $(DSYMUTIL) $@
-# Horrible no f3<f1 test and direct test, converges if close to maximum otherwise diverges
-#calls = 13 & 1760, -2 Log likelihood = 46537.411806825585
-imach-0.98r.o : imach-0.98r.c
-imach-0.98r-powellsf1f3: imach-0.98r-powellsf1f3.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-ifdef _macosx
- $(DSYMUTIL) $@
-# test f3<f1 but direct test and no powell criteria which are NOPOWELLORIGINALNOMNBAKORIGINAL NOLINMINORIGINAL
-# diverges now from zeroes calls = 18 & 3163, -2 Log likelihood = 50929.075310962719
-# but converges if close to the maximum
-# calls = 13 & 1760, -2 Log likelihood = 46537.411806825585
-imach-0.98r-powellsf1f3.o : imach-0.98r.c
-imach-0.98r-powellf1f3: imach-0.98r-powellf1f3.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-ifdef _macosx
- $(DSYMUTIL) $@
-#diverges from zeroes
-# calls = 13 & 1760, -2 Log likelihood = 46537.411806825585 Real minumum
-imach-0.98r-powellf1f3.o : imach-0.98r.c
-imach-0.98r-powellf1f3.i : imach-0.98r.c
-imach-0.98r-powell: imach-0.98r-powell.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-ifdef _macosx
- $(DSYMUTIL) $@
-# Powell original means without -DPOWELLNOF3INFF1TEST (with F3<F1 test)
-#calls = 33 & 4088, -2 Log likelihood = 46623.239341985027 reaches the maximum !
-#From zeroes doesn't reach the maximum calls = 34 & 4212, -2 Log likelihood = 46542.398769900567
-#calls = 34 & 4212, -2 Log likelihood = 46542.398769900567
-imach-0.98r-powell.o : imach-0.98r.c
-imach-0.98r-powell.i : imach-0.98r.c
-# powell test with f1f3 powell, linmin fix but no mnbrak fix
-imach-0.98r-powellf1f3lin: imach-0.98r-powellf1f3lin.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-ifdef _macosx
- $(DSYMUTIL) $@
-# ?calls = 41 & 4718, -2 Log likelihood = 46690.242656475864
-#calls = 33 & 4088, -2 Log likelihood = 46623.239341985027
-# from zeroes calls = 34 & 4212, -2 Log likelihood = 46542.398769900567
-imach-0.98r-powellf1f3lin.o : imach-0.98r.c
-# directest with f3<f1 without mnbrak fix but linmin fix
-imach-0.98r-powellf1f3orilin: imach-0.98r-powellf1f3orilin.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-ifdef _macosx
- $(DSYMUTIL) $@
-#Maximum not reached but converge from zeroes
-#calls = 34 & 4212, -2 Log likelihood = 46542.398769900567
-imach-0.98r-powellf1f3orilin.o : imach-0.98r.c
-# Powell test not direct, with mnbrak and linmin fixes
-imach-0.98r-powellf1f3linmnb: imach-0.98r-powellf1f3linmnb.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-ifdef _macosx
- $(DSYMUTIL) $@
-# worst, diverges from zeroes -DDEBUGMNBRAK
-#calls = 18 & 3163, -2 Log likelihood = 50929.075310962719
-imach-0.98r-powellf1f3linmnb.o : imach-0.98r.c
-imach-0.98r-powellf1f3linmnb.i : imach-0.98r.c
-# Powell test not direct, with mnbrak and linmin fixes
-imach-0.98r-powellf1f3linmnbiter: imach-0.98r-powellf1f3linmnbiter.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-ifdef _macosx
- $(DSYMUTIL) $@
-imach-0.98r-powellf1f3linmnbiter.o : imach-0.98r.c
-imach-0.98r-powellf1f3linmnbiter.i : imach-0.98r.c
-imach-0.98r-powellf1f3ori: imach-0.98r-powellf1f3ori.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-ifdef _macosx
- $(DSYMUTIL) $@
-# Powell with -DPOWELLNOF3INFF1TEST which is not Powell original!
-#calls = 41 & 4718, -2 Log likelihood = 46690.242656475864, doesn't reach the maximum
-imach-0.98r-powellf1f3ori.o : imach-0.98r.c
-imach-0.98r-powellf1f3ori.i : imach-0.98r.c
-imachtest.o : imach.c
-# $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CROSSCOMPILATION) -DFIXMNBRAK -o imachtest.o -c imach.c
-# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/abx4dbyh%28v=vs.100%29.aspx
-imachcl: imach.c
- cl /O2 /MT /o imach.exe imach.c
-imach097b : imach097b.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o imach097b imach097b.o
-imach097b.o : imach097b.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DPOWELL -c imach097b.c
-imachsimplified : imachsimplified.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGSOPT) -o imachsimplified imachsimplified.o
-imachsimplified.o : imachsimplified.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGSOPT) -DPOWELL -c imachsimplified.c
-imachgsl : imachgsl.o
- $(CC) -o imachgsl imach.o $(LFLAGS) $(LGSL)
-imachgsl.o : imach.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DGSL $(IGSL) -c imach.c
-imachNEWUOAopt : imachNEWUOAopt.o
- $(CC) -o imachNEWUOAopt imachNEWUOAopt.o $(LFLAGS) -g $(LNLOPT)
-imachNEWUOAopt.o : imach.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -g -DNLOPT $(INLOPT) -DNEWUOA -o imachNEWUOAopt.o -c imach.c
-imachBOBYQAopt : imachBOBYQAopt.o
- $(CC) -o imachBOBYQAopt imachBOBYQAopt.o $(LFLAGS) $(LNLOPT)
-imachBOBYQAopt.o : imach.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DNLOPT $(INLOPT) -DBOBYQA -o imachBOBYQAopt.o -c imach.c
-# imachback : imachback.o
-# $(CC) $(LFLAGSOPT) -o imachback imachback.o
imachopt : imachopt.o
$(CCOPT) $(LFLAGSOPT) -o imachopt imachopt.o
ln -f imachopt imach
$(CP) imachopt Output/imachopt$(VERSION)-$(BINVERSION)
$(CP) -f imach ../bin
-ifdef _intel64onosx
- $(CP) imachopt Output/imachopt$(VERSION)-$(BINVERSION)
ifdef _macosx
$(STRIP) imach
$(STRIP) imachopt
-ifdef _linux32onosx
- (cd .. && $(TAR) jcvf src/Output/imach-Linux-$(VERSION)-$(BINVERSION).tar.bz2 bin html/doc/biaspar.imach html/doc/data1.txt)
-ifdef _linux64onosx
- (cd .. && $(TAR) jcvf src/Output/imach-Linux-$(VERSION)-$(BINVERSION).tar.bz2 bin html/doc/biaspar.imach html/doc/data1.txt)
-imachback: imachback.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -DBACKCASTWO -o imachback imachback.o
-ifdef _macosx
- $(DSYMUTIL) imachback
-imachback.o : imachback.c version.h
imachopt.o : imach.c version.h
$(CCOPT) $(CFLAGSOPT) $(CROSSCOMPILATION) -o imachopt.o -c imach.c
# $(CC) $(CFLAGSOPT) -DPOWELL -o imachopt.o -c imach.c
-imachUB : imach32 imach64
- lipo -create -arch i386 imach_32 -arch x86_64 imach_64 -output imach$(VERSION)
imachrpm : imachopt.o
cmake --build . ; \
echo $(OSTYPE);\
cpack --debug --verbose -D CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_DEBUG=1 -G RPM;\
- cp imach-$(VERSION)-*.rpm ../../src/Output/ ;)
+ cp imach-$(VERSION)-*.rpm ../Output/ ;)
imachsrcrpm : imachopt.o
- (cd ../build && rm -r gnulinux && mkdir gnulinux && cd gnulinux ;\
+ (cd ../build && rm -rf gnulinux && mkdir gnulinux && cd gnulinux ;\
pwd ;\
cmake ../..;\
cmake --build . ; \
echo $(OSTYPE);\
cpack --debug --verbose -D CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_DEBUG=1 -G RPM --config ./CPackSourceConfig.cmake;\
- cp imach-$(VERSION)-*.rpm ../../src/Output/ ;)
+ pwd ;\
+ cp imach-$(VERSION)-*.rpm ../Output/ ;)
#imachdmg : imachopt.o create-dmg applet IMaChInfo.plist.in IMaChPkgInfo.in IMaCh.icns main.scpt.in IMaCh-ecrandemarrage.rsrc TXT.rtf
# $(CC) $(LFLAGSOPT) -o imach imachopt.o
# ./createdmg2.sh --volname "IMaCh $(VERSION)" imach$(VERSION).dmg imach$(VERSION)
- ls Output/* | xargs md5sum
+ ls ../build/Output/* | xargs md5sum
-# rsync -v Output/imach-0.98r4-1.x86_64.rpm brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/IMaCh-0.99a3-icl-setup.exe brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach0.99a3.dmg brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/IMaCh-0.98r7-icl-setup.exe brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach0.98r7.dmg brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach-0.99r9-icl-setup.exe brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach0.99r9.dmg brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach-0.99r19-icl-setup.exe brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach0.99r19.dmg brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach-0.99r21-icl-setup.exe brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach0.99r21.dmg brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach-0.99r22-icl-setup.exe brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach0.99r22.dmg brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach-0.99r23-icl-setup.exe brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach0.99r23.dmg brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach-0.99r24-icl-setup.exe brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach0.99r24.dmg brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach-0.99r24-1.x86_64.rpm brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach0.99r25.dmg brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach-0.99r25-1.x86_64.rpm brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach-0.99r25-icl-setup.exe brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach0.99r27.dmg brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v brouard@brouard.name:~/Documents/imach/cvs/imach/build/gnulinux/imach-0.99r33-1.x86_64.rpm Output/
-# rsync -v Output/imach-0.99r33-1.x86_64.rpm brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach-0.99r33-1.x86_64.rpm brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach0.99r26.dmg brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach-0.99r26-1.x86_64.rpm brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach-0.99r26-icl-setup.exe brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach-0.99r19-1.x86_64.rpm brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/imach0.99r12-1.x86_64.rpm brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-# rsync -v Output/* brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
- rsync -v Output/imach-0.99r36-icl-setup.exe brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
- rsync -v Output/imach0.99r36.dmg brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
-imachcyg : imachcyg.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o imach imachcyg.o
-imachcyg.o : imach.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o imachcyg.o imach.c
-imachcygopt.exe : imachcygopt.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGSOPT) -o imachcygopt.exe imachcygopt.o
-imachcygopt.o : imach.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGSOPT) -c -o imachcygopt.o imach.c
-imachw32.o : imach.c
- i386-mingw32-gcc -c imach.c -o imachw32.o
-imach.exe : imachw32.o
- i386-mingw32-gcc -mwindows -o imach.exe -lm imachw32.o
- i386-mingw32-strip imach.exe
-valgrindtoto: valgrindtoto.c
- gcc -o valgrindtoto -DCROSS=0 -g valgrindtoto.c
-valgrindtototest: valgrindtoto
- valgrind --dsymutil=yes --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes ./valgrindtoto
-valgrind-test : imach $(TESTFILE)
- valgrind --dsymutil=yes --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes ./imach $(TESTFILE)
-# valgrind --dsymutil=yes --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes ./imach-0.98r-powellf1f3linmnb $(TESTFILE)
-# gdb -ex=r --args myprogram arg1 arg2
-# gdb -batch -x /tmp/cmds --args executablename arg1 arg2 arg3
-# gdb -ex=r --args imachback /Users/nbrouard/Documents/Recherches/HRS/RAND_HRS/imachb.imach
-btest: imachback $(TESTFILE)
- gdb ./imachback $(TESTFILE)
-test: imach $(TESTFILE)
- gdb ./imach $(TESTFILE)
+ rsync -v ../build/Output/imach-0.99s6-icl-setup.exe brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
+ rsync -v ../build/Output/imach0.99s6.dmg brouard@henry.ined.fr:/home/euroreves/html/imach/Download
$(PARAM).htm: imach $(PARAM).imach data1.txt
./imach $(PARAM).imach