/* $Id$
+ Revision 1.352 2023/04/29 10:46:21 brouard
+ *** empty log message ***
Revision 1.351 2023/04/29 10:43:47 brouard
Summary: 099r45
if (strlen(resultsav) >1){
j=nbocc(resultsav,'='); /**< j=Number of covariate values'=' in this resultline */
- if(j == 0){ /* Resultline but no = */
+ if(j == 0 && cptcovs== 0){ /* Resultline but no = and no covariate in the model */
TKresult[nres]=0; /* Combination for the nresult and the model */
return (0);
if( j != cptcovs ){ /* Be careful if a variable is in a product but not single */
- printf("ERROR: the number of variables in the resultline which is %d, differs from the number %d of single variables used in the model line, %s.\n",j, cptcovs, model);
- fprintf(ficlog,"ERROR: the number of variables in the resultline which is %d, differs from the number %d of single variables used in the model line, %s.\n",j, cptcovs, model);
- /* return 1;*/
+ fprintf(ficlog,"ERROR: the number of variables in the resultline which is %d, differs from the number %d of single variables used in the model line, 1+age+%s.\n",j, cptcovs, model);fflush(ficlog);
+ printf("ERROR: the number of variables in the resultline which is %d, differs from the number %d of single variables used in the model line, 1+age+%s.\n",j, cptcovs, model);fflush(stdout);
+ if(j==0)
+ return 1;
for(k=1; k<=j;k++){ /* Loop on any covariate of the RESULT LINE */
if(nbocc(resultsav,'=') >1){