/* $Id$
+ Revision 1.336 2022/08/31 09:52:36 brouard
+ *** empty log message ***
Revision 1.335 2022/08/31 08:23:16 brouard
Summary: improvements...
/* $State$ */
#include "version.h"
char version[]=__IMACH_VERSION__;
-char copyright[]="August 2022,INED-EUROREVES-Institut de longevite-Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 25293121), Intel Software 2015-2020, Nihon University 2021-202, INED 2000-2022";
+char copyright[]="September 2022,INED-EUROREVES-Institut de longevite-Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 25293121), Intel Software 2015-2020, Nihon University 2021-202, INED 2000-2022";
char fullversion[]="$Revision$ $Date$";
char strstart[80];
char optionfilext[10], optionfilefiname[FILENAMELENGTH];
/*Tvar[k]= 5 4 3 6 5 2 7 1 1 */
/* nsd 1 2 3 */ /* Counting single dummies covar fixed or tv */
/*TnsdVar[Tvar] 1 2 3 */
+/*Tvaraff[nsd] 4 3 1 */ /* ID of single dummy cova fixed or timevary*/
/*TvarsD[nsd] 4 3 1 */ /* ID of single dummy cova fixed or timevary*/
/*TvarsDind[k] 2 3 9 */ /* position K of single dummy cova */
/* nsq 1 2 */ /* Counting single quantit tv */
/* (void) gettimeofday(&curr_time,&tzp); */
rcurr_time = time(NULL);
curr_time = *localtime(&rcurr_time);
- printf("\nPowell iter=%d -2*LL=%.12f gain=%.12f=%.3g %ld sec. %ld sec.",*iter,*fret, fp-*fret,fp-*fret, rcurr_time-rlast_time, rcurr_time-rstart_time);fflush(stdout);
- fprintf(ficlog,"\nPowell iter=%d -2*LL=%.12f gain=%.12f=%.3g %ld sec. %ld sec.",*iter,*fret, fp-*fret,fp-*fret,rcurr_time-rlast_time, rcurr_time-rstart_time); fflush(ficlog);
+ /* printf("\nPowell iter=%d -2*LL=%.12f gain=%.12f=%.3g %ld sec. %ld sec.",*iter,*fret, fp-*fret,fp-*fret, rcurr_time-rlast_time, rcurr_time-rstart_time);fflush(stdout); */
+ /* fprintf(ficlog,"\nPowell iter=%d -2*LL=%.12f gain=%.12f=%.3g %ld sec. %ld sec.",*iter,*fret, fp-*fret,fp-*fret,rcurr_time-rlast_time, rcurr_time-rstart_time); fflush(ficlog); */
+ printf("\nPowell iter=%d -2*LL=%.12f gain=%.3lg %ld sec. %ld sec.",*iter,*fret,fp-*fret, rcurr_time-rlast_time, rcurr_time-rstart_time);fflush(stdout);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"\nPowell iter=%d -2*LL=%.12f gain=%.3lg %ld sec. %ld sec.",*iter,*fret,fp-*fret,rcurr_time-rlast_time, rcurr_time-rstart_time); fflush(ficlog);
/* fprintf(ficrespow,"%d %.12f %ld",*iter,*fret,curr_time.tm_sec-start_time.tm_sec); */
fp=(*fret); /* From former iteration or initial value */
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
fprintf(ficresprobmorprev,"# probabilities of dying before estepm=%d months for people of exact age and weighted probabilities w1*p1j+w2*p2j+... stand dev in()\n",estepm);
fprintf(ficresprobmorprev,"# Selected quantitative variables and dummies");
- for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */ /* To be done*/
- fprintf(ficresprobmorprev," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]);
+ /* We use TinvDoQresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j] we sort according to the equation model and the resultline: it is a choice */
+ /* for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ /\* To be done*\/ */
+ /* fprintf(ficresprobmorprev," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]); */
+ /* } */
+ for (j=1; j<= cptcovs; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */ /* To be done*/
+ fprintf(ficresprobmorprev," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][j]]);
- for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++)
- fprintf(ficresprobmorprev," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(ij,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]);
+ /* for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++) */
+ /* fprintf(ficresprobmorprev," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(ij,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]); */
fprintf(ficresprobmorprev,"# Age cov=%-d",ij);
}else if(Dummy[modelresult[nres][z1]]==1){ /* Quanti variable */
/* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(ficresprob," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][z1],Tqresult[nres][z1]);
+ fprintf(ficresprob," V%d=%lg ",Tvqresult[nres][z1],Tqresult[nres][z1]);
if(Fixed[modelresult[nres][z1]]==0){ /* Fixed */
fprintf(ficresprob,"fixed ");
fprintf(ficresprobcov,"fixed ");
fprintf(fichtm," \n<ul>");
- for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++) /* For each resultline */
- for(k1=1; k1<=m;k1++){ /* For each combination of covariate */
- if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1)
- continue;
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ /* k1=nres; */
+ k1= TKresult[nres];
+ /* for(k1=1; k1<=m;k1++){ /\* For each combination of covariate *\/ */
+ /* if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1) */
+ /* continue; */
if (cptcovn > 0) {
fprintf(fichtm,"\n<li><a size=\"1\" color=\"#EC5E5E\" href=\"#rescov");
- for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcoveff;cpt++){
- fprintf(fichtm,"_V%d=%d_",Tvresult[nres][cpt],(int)Tresult[nres][cpt]);
- }
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(fichtm,"_V%d=%f_",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcovs;cpt++){ /**< cptcovs number of SIMPLE covariates in the model V2+V1 =2 (dummy or quantit or time varying) */
+ fprintf(fichtm,"_V%d=%lg_",Tvresult[nres][cpt],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][cpt]]);
+ /* for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcoveff;cpt++){ */
+ /* fprintf(fichtm,"_V%d=%d_",Tvresult[nres][cpt],(int)Tresult[nres][cpt]); */
+ /* } */
+ /* for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* fprintf(fichtm,"_V%d=%f_",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]); */
+ /* } */
/* if(nqfveff+nqtveff 0) */ /* Test to be done */
fprintf(fichtm,"************ Results for covariates");
- for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcoveff;cpt++){
- fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%d ",Tvresult[nres][cpt],(int)Tresult[nres][cpt]);
- }
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcovs;cpt++){
+ fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][cpt],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][cpt]]);
+ /* fprintf(fichtm,"************ Results for covariates"); */
+ /* for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcoveff;cpt++){ */
+ /* fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%d ",Tvresult[nres][cpt],(int)Tresult[nres][cpt]); */
+ /* } */
+ /* for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]); */
+ /* } */
fprintf(fichtm," Warning Combination (%d) ignored because no cases ",k1);
- for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++) /* For each resultline */
- for(k1=1; k1<=m;k1++){ /* For each combination of covariate */
- if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1)
- continue;
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ /* k1=nres; */
+ k1= TKresult[nres];
+ /* for(k1=1; k1<=m;k1++){ /\* For each combination of covariate *\/ */
+ /* if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1) */
+ /* continue; */
/* for(i1=1; i1<=ncodemax[k1];i1++){ */
if (cptcovn > 0) {
fprintf(fichtm,"\n<p><a name=\"rescov");
- for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcoveff;cpt++){
- fprintf(fichtm,"_V%d=%d_",Tvresult[nres][cpt],(int)Tresult[nres][cpt]);
- }
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(fichtm,"_V%d=%f_",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcovs;cpt++){
+ fprintf(fichtm,"_V%d=%lg_",Tvresult[nres][cpt],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][cpt]]);
+ /* for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* fprintf(fichtm,"_V%d=%f_",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]); */
+ /* } */
fprintf(fichtm,"<hr size=\"2\" color=\"#EC5E5E\">************ Results for covariates");
- for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcoveff;cpt++){
- fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%d ",Tvresult[nres][cpt],(int)Tresult[nres][cpt]);
- printf(" V%d=%d ",Tvresult[nres][cpt],Tresult[nres][cpt]);fflush(stdout);
+ for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcovs;cpt++){
+ fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][cpt],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][cpt]]);
+ printf(" V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][cpt],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][cpt]]);
/* fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[cpt],nbcode[Tvaraff[cpt]][codtabm(jj1,cpt)]); */
/* printf(" V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[cpt],nbcode[Tvaraff[cpt]][codtabm(jj1,cpt)]);fflush(stdout); */
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
- printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);fflush(stdout);
- }
/* if(nqfveff+nqtveff 0) */ /* Test to be done */
fprintf(fichtm," (model=%s) ************\n<hr size=\"2\" color=\"#EC5E5E\">",model);
fprintf(fichtm,"<img src=\"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\">", subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"EXP_"),cpt,k1,nres );
/* } /\* end i1 *\/ */
- }/* End k1 */
+ }/* End k1=nres */
fprintf(fichtm," \n<ul>");
- for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++) /* For each resultline */
- for(k1=1; k1<=m;k1++){ /* For each combination of covariate */
- if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1)
- continue;
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ /* k1=nres; */
+ k1= TKresult[nres];
+ /* for(k1=1; k1<=m;k1++){ /\* For each combination of covariate *\/ */
+ /* if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1) */
+ /* continue; */
if (cptcovn > 0) {
fprintf(fichtm,"\n<li><a size=\"1\" color=\"#EC5E5E\" href=\"#rescovsecond");
- for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcoveff;cpt++){
- fprintf(fichtm,"_V%d=%d_",Tvresult[nres][cpt],(int)Tresult[nres][cpt]);
- }
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(fichtm,"_V%d=%f_",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcovs;cpt++){
+ fprintf(fichtm,"_V%d=%lg_",Tvresult[nres][cpt],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][cpt]]);
/* if(nqfveff+nqtveff 0) */ /* Test to be done */
fprintf(fichtm,"************ Results for covariates");
- for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcoveff;cpt++){
- fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%d ",Tvresult[nres][cpt],(int)Tresult[nres][cpt]);
- }
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcovs;cpt++){
+ fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][cpt],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][cpt]]);
fprintf(fichtm," Warning Combination (%d) ignored because no cases ",k1);
} /* cptcovn >0 */
- }
+ } /* End nres */
fprintf(fichtm," \n</ul>");
for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
- for(k1=1; k1<=m;k1++){
- if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1)
- continue;
+ /* k1=nres; */
+ k1= TKresult[nres];
+ /* for(k1=1; k1<=m;k1++){ */
+ /* if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1) */
+ /* continue; */
/* for(i1=1; i1<=ncodemax[k1];i1++){ */
if (cptcovn > 0) {
fprintf(fichtm,"\n<p><a name=\"rescovsecond");
- for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcoveff;cpt++){
- fprintf(fichtm,"_V%d=%d_",Tvresult[nres][cpt],(int)Tresult[nres][cpt]);
- }
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(fichtm,"_V%d=%f_",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcovs;cpt++){
+ fprintf(fichtm,"_V%d=%lg_",Tvresult[nres][cpt],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][cpt]]);
fprintf(fichtm,"<hr size=\"2\" color=\"#EC5E5E\">************ Results for covariates");
- for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcoveff;cpt++){ /**< cptcoveff number of variables */
- fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%d ",Tvresult[nres][cpt],Tresult[nres][cpt]);
- printf(" V%d=%d ",Tvresult[nres][cpt],Tresult[nres][cpt]);fflush(stdout);
+ for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcovs;cpt++){ /**< cptcoveff number of variables */
+ fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][cpt],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][cpt]]);
+ printf(" V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][cpt],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][cpt]]);
/* fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[cpt],nbcode[Tvaraff[cpt]][codtabm(jj1,cpt)]); */
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
- }
fprintf(fichtm," (model=%s) ************\n<hr size=\"2\" color=\"#EC5E5E\">",model);
fprintf(fichtm,"\n<h4>Combination (%d) ignored because no cases </h4>\n",k1);
- }
+ } /* If cptcovn >0 */
for(cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate;cpt++) {
fprintf(fichtm,"\n<br>- Observed (cross-sectional with mov_average=%d) and period (incidence based) \
prevalence (with 95%% confidence interval) in state (%d): <a href=\"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\"> %s_%d-%d-%d.svg</a>",mobilav,cpt,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"V_"),cpt,k1,nres,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"V_"),cpt,k1,nres);
fprintf(fichtm," (data from text file <a href=\"%s.txt\">%s.txt</a>) \n<br>",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"T_"),subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"T_"));
fprintf(fichtm,"<img src=\"%s_%d-%d.svg\">",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"E_"),k1,nres);
/* } /\* end i1 *\/ */
- }/* End k1 */
}/* End nres */
/* 1eme*/
for (cpt=1; cpt<= nlstate ; cpt ++){ /* For each live state */
- for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++){ /* For each valid combination of covariate */
+ /* for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++){ /\* For each valid combination of covariate *\/ */
for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ k1=TKresult[nres];
/* plot [100000000000000000000:-100000000000000000000] "mysbiaspar/vplrmysbiaspar.txt to check */
- if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1)
- continue;
+ /* if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1) */
+ /* continue; */
/* We are interested in selected combination by the resultline */
/* printf("\n# 1st: Period (stable) prevalence with CI: 'VPL_' files and live state =%d ", cpt); */
fprintf(ficgp,"\n# 1st: Forward (stable period) prevalence with CI: 'VPL_' files and live state =%d ", cpt);
- for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate k get corresponding value lv for combination k1 */
- /* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\* Should be the value of the covariate corresponding to k1 combination *\/ */
- lv=codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]);
- /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
- vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; /* vlv is the value of the covariate lv, 0 or 1 */
- /* For each combination of covariate k1 (V1=1, V3=0), we printed the current covariate k and its value vlv */
- /* printf(" V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- }
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- /* printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]); */
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcovs; k++){ /* For each covariate k get corresponding value lv for combination k1 */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ /* for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /\* For each covariate k get corresponding value lv for combination k1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\\* Should be the value of the covariate corresponding to k1 combination *\\/ *\/ */
+ /* lv=codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]); */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 *\/ */
+ /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; /\* vlv is the value of the covariate lv, 0 or 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* For each combination of covariate k1 (V1=1, V3=0), we printed the current covariate k and its value vlv *\/ */
+ /* /\* printf(" V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); *\/ */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* } */
+ /* for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* /\* printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]); *\/ */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]); */
/* printf("\n#\n"); */
/* fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out ;unset label;\n"); */
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out ;unset title;\n");
} /* nres */
- } /* k1 */
+ /* } /\* k1 *\/ */
} /* cpt */
/*2 eme*/
- for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++){
+ /* for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++){ */
for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
- if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1)
- continue;
+ k1=TKresult[nres];
+ /* if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1) */
+ /* continue; */
fprintf(ficgp,"\n# 2nd: Total life expectancy with CI: 't' files ");
- for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate and each value */
- /* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination *\/ */
- lv=codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]);
- /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
- /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; */
- vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])];
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- }
- /* for(k=1; k <= ncovds; k++){ */
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcovs; k++){ /* For each covariate k get corresponding value lv for combination k1 */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ /* for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /\* For each covariate and each value *\/ */
+ /* /\* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\\* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination *\\/ *\/ */
+ /* lv=codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]); */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 *\/ */
+ /* /\* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; *\/ */
+ /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])]; */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* } */
+ /* /\* for(k=1; k <= ncovds; k++){ *\/ */
+ /* for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]); */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]); */
} /* vpopbased */
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out;set out \"%s_%d-%d.svg\"; replot; set out; unset label;\n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"E_"),k1,nres); /* Buggy gnuplot */
} /* end nres */
- } /* k1 end 2 eme*/
+ /* } /\* k1 end 2 eme*\/ */
- for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++){
+ /* for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++){ */
for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
- if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1)
- continue;
+ k1=TKresult[nres];
+ /* if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1) */
+ /* continue; */
for (cpt=1; cpt<= nlstate ; cpt ++) { /* Fragile no verification of covariate values */
fprintf(ficgp,"\n\n# 3d: Life expectancy with EXP_ files: combination=%d state=%d",k1, cpt);
- for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate and each value */
- /* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination *\/ */
- lv= codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]); /* Should be the covariate value corresponding to combination k1 and covariate k */
- /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
- /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; */
- vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])];
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcovs; k++){ /* For each covariate k get corresponding value lv for combination k1 */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ /* for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /\* For each covariate and each value *\/ */
+ /* /\* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\\* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination *\\/ *\/ */
+ /* lv= codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]); /\* Should be the covariate value corresponding to combination k1 and covariate k *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 *\/ */
+ /* /\* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; *\/ */
+ /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])]; */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* } */
+ /* for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]);
- }
fprintf(ficgp,"\nunset label;\n");
} /* end nres */
- } /* end kl 3eme */
+ /* } /\* end kl 3eme *\/ */
/* 4eme */
/* Survival functions (period) from state i in state j by initial state i */
- for (k1=1; k1<=m; k1++){ /* For each covariate and each value */
+ /* for (k1=1; k1<=m; k1++){ /\* For each covariate and each value *\/ */
for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
- if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1)
- continue;
+ k1=TKresult[nres];
+ /* if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1) */
+ /* continue; */
for (cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate ; cpt ++) { /* For each life state cpt*/
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n#\n# Survival functions in state j : 'LIJ_' files, cov=%d state=%d",k1, cpt);
- for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate and each value */
- lv=codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]);
- /* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination *\/ */
- /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
- /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; */
- vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])];
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- }
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n#\n# Survival functions in state %d : 'LIJ_' files, cov=%d state=%d", cpt, k1, cpt);
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcovs; k++){ /* For each covariate k get corresponding value lv for combination k1 */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ /* for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /\* For each covariate and each value *\/ */
+ /* lv=codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]); */
+ /* /\* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\\* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination *\\/ *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 *\/ */
+ /* /\* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; *\/ */
+ /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])]; */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* } */
+ /* for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out; unset label;\n");
} /* end cpt state*/
} /* end nres */
- } /* end covariate k1 */
+ /* } /\* end covariate k1 *\/ */
/* 5eme */
/* Survival functions (period) from state i in state j by final state j */
- for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1++){ /* For each covariate combination if any */
+ /* for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1++){ /\* For each covariate combination if any *\/ */
for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
- if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1)
- continue;
+ k1=TKresult[nres];
+ /* if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1) */
+ /* continue; */
for (cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate ; cpt ++) { /* For each inital state */
fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n#\n# Survival functions in state j and all livestates from state i by final state j: 'lij' files, cov=%d state=%d",k1, cpt);
- for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate and each value */
- lv=codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]);
- /* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination *\/ */
- /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
- /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; */
- vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])];
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- }
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]);
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcovs; k++){ /* For each covariate k get corresponding value lv for combination k1 */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ /* for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /\* For each covariate and each value *\/ */
+ /* lv=codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]); */
+ /* /\* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\\* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination *\\/ *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 *\/ */
+ /* /\* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; *\/ */
+ /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])]; */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* } */
+ /* for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out; unset label;\n");
} /* end cpt state*/
- } /* end covariate */
+ /* } /\* end covariate *\/ */
} /* end nres */
/* 6eme */
/* CV preval stable (period) for each covariate */
- for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) /* For each covariate combination if any */
+ /* for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) /\* For each covariate combination if any *\/ */
for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
- if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1)
- continue;
+ k1=TKresult[nres];
+ /* if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1) */
+ /* continue; */
for (cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate ; cpt ++) { /* For each life state of arrival */
fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n#\n#CV preval stable (forward): 'pij' files, covariatecombination#=%d state=%d",k1, cpt);
- for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate and each value */
- /* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination *\/ */
- lv=codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]);
- /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
- /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; */
- vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])];
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- }
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]);
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcovs; k++){ /* For each covariate k get corresponding value lv for combination k1 */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ /* for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /\* For each covariate and each value *\/ */
+ /* /\* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\\* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination *\\/ *\/ */
+ /* lv=codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]); */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 *\/ */
+ /* /\* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; *\/ */
+ /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])]; */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* } */
+ /* for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
/* 7eme */
if(prevbcast == 1){
/* CV backward prevalence for each covariate */
- for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) /* For each covariate combination if any */
+ /* for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) /\* For each covariate combination if any *\/ */
for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
- if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1)
- continue;
+ k1=TKresult[nres];
+ /* if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1) */
+ /* continue; */
for (cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate ; cpt ++) { /* For each life origin state */
fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n#\n#CV Backward stable prevalence: 'pijb' files, covariatecombination#=%d state=%d",k1, cpt);
- for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate and each value */
- /* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination *\/ */
- lv=codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]);
- /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
- /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; */
- vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])];
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- }
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]);
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcovs; k++){ /* For each covariate k get corresponding value lv for combination k1 */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ /* for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /\* For each covariate and each value *\/ */
+ /* /\* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\\* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination *\\/ *\/ */
+ /* lv=codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]); */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 *\/ */
+ /* /\* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; *\/ */
+ /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])]; */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* } */
+ /* for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
/* Projection from cross-sectional to forward stable (period) prevalence for each covariate */
- for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) /* For each covariate combination if any */
+ /* for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) /\* For each covariate combination if any *\/ */
for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
- if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1)
- continue;
+ k1=TKresult[nres];
+ /* if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1) */
+ /* continue; */
for (cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate ; cpt ++) { /* For each life state */
fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n#\n#Projection of prevalence to forward stable prevalence (period): 'PROJ_' files, covariatecombination#=%d state=%d",k1, cpt);
- for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each correspondig covariate value */
- /* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\* Should be the covariate value corresponding to k1 combination and kth covariate *\/ */
- lv=codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]);
- /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
- /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; */
- vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])];
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- }
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]);
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcovs; k++){ /* For each covariate k get corresponding value lv for combination k1 */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ /* for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /\* For each correspondig covariate value *\/ */
+ /* /\* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\\* Should be the covariate value corresponding to k1 combination and kth covariate *\\/ *\/ */
+ /* lv=codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]); */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 *\/ */
+ /* /\* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; *\/ */
+ /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])]; */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* } */
+ /* for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
/* Back projection from cross-sectional to stable (mixed) for each covariate */
- for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) /* For each covariate combination if any */
+ /* for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) /\* For each covariate combination if any *\/ */
for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
- if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1)
- continue;
+ k1=TKresult[nres];
+ /* if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1) */
+ /* continue; */
for (cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate ; cpt ++) { /* For each life state */
fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n#\n#Back projection of prevalence to stable (mixed) back prevalence: 'BPROJ_' files, covariatecombination#=%d originstate=%d",k1, cpt);
- for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each correspondig covariate value */
- /* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\* Should be the covariate value corresponding to k1 combination and kth covariate *\/ */
- lv= codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]); /* Should be the covariate value corresponding to combination k1 and covariate k */
- /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
- /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; */
- vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])];
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- }
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]);
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcovs; k++){ /* For each covariate k get corresponding value lv for combination k1 */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ /* for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /\* For each correspondig covariate value *\/ */
+ /* /\* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\\* Should be the covariate value corresponding to k1 combination and kth covariate *\\/ *\/ */
+ /* lv= codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]); /\* Should be the covariate value corresponding to combination k1 and covariate k *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 *\/ */
+ /* /\* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; *\/ */
+ /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])]; */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* } */
+ /* for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
fprintf(ficgp," u %d:(",ioffset);
- for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate writing the chain of conditions */
- /* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\* Should be the covariate value corresponding to combination k1 and covariate k *\/ */
- lv= codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]); /* Should be the covariate value corresponding to combination k1 and covariate k */
- /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
- /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; /\* Value of the modality of Tvaraff[k] *\/ */
- vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])];
- kl++;
- sprintf(gplotcondition+strlen(gplotcondition),"$%d==%d && $%d==%d " ,kl,Tvaraff[k], kl+1, nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]);
- kl++;
- if(k <cptcoveff && cptcoveff>1)
- sprintf(gplotcondition+strlen(gplotcondition)," && ");
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcovs; k++){ /* For each covariate k of the resultline, get corresponding value lv for combination k1 */
+ if(Dummy[Tvresult[nres][k]]==0){ /* To be verified */
+ /* for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /\* For each covariate writing the chain of conditions *\/ */
+ /* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\* Should be the covariate value corresponding to combination k1 and covariate k *\/ */
+ /* lv= codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]); /\* Should be the covariate value corresponding to combination k1 and covariate k *\/ */
+ lv=Tvresult[nres][k];
+ vlv=TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]];
+ /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
+ /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
+ /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
+ /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; /\* Value of the modality of Tvaraff[k] *\/ */
+ /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])]; */
+ kl++;
+ /* sprintf(gplotcondition+strlen(gplotcondition),"$%d==%d && $%d==%d " ,kl,Tvaraff[k], kl+1, nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]); */
+ sprintf(gplotcondition+strlen(gplotcondition),"$%d==%d && $%d==%lg " ,kl,Tvresult[nres][k], kl+1,TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ kl++;
+ if(k <cptcoveff && cptcoveff>1)
+ sprintf(gplotcondition+strlen(gplotcondition)," && ");
+ }
/* kl=6+(cpt-1)*(nlstate+1)+1+(i-1); /\* 6+(1-1)*(2+1)+1+(1-1)=7, 6+(2-1)(2+1)+1+(1-1)=10 *\/ */
fprintf(ficgp,"#model=%s \n",model);
fprintf(ficgp,"# Type of graphic ng=%d\n",ng);
fprintf(ficgp,"# k1=1 to 2^%d=%d\n",cptcoveff,m);/* to be checked */
- for(k1=1; k1 <=m; k1++) /* For each combination of covariate */
+ /* for(k1=1; k1 <=m; k1++) /\* For each combination of covariate *\/ */
for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
- if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1)
- continue;
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n\n# Combination of dummy k1=%d which is ",k1);
+ /* k1=nres; */
+ k1= TKresult[nres];
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n\n# Resultline k1=%d ",k1);
/*sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," Dummy combination %d ",k1);*/
- for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each correspondig covariate value */
- /* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\* Should be the covariate value corresponding to k1 combination and kth covariate *\/ */
- lv= codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]); /* Should be the covariate value corresponding to combination k1 and covariate k */
- /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
- /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; */
- vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])];
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- }
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]);
- sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]);
- }
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcovs; k++){ /**< cptcovs number of SIMPLE covariates in the model V2+V1 =2 (dummy or quantit or time varying) */
+ /* for each resultline nres, and position k, Tvresult[nres][k] gives the name of the variable and
+ TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]] gives its value double or integer) */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
+ }
+ /* if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1) */
+ /* continue; */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp,"\n\n# Combination of dummy k1=%d which is ",k1); */
+ /* strcpy(gplotlabel,"("); */
+ /* /\*sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," Dummy combination %d ",k1);*\/ */
+ /* for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /\* For each correspondig covariate value *\/ */
+ /* /\* lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /\\* Should be the covariate value corresponding to k1 combination and kth covariate *\\/ *\/ */
+ /* lv= codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]]); /\* Should be the covariate value corresponding to combination k1 and covariate k *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 *\/ */
+ /* /\* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 *\/ */
+ /* /\* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; *\/ */
+ /* vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][codtabm(k1,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[k]])]; */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv); */
+ /* } */
+ /* for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
+ /* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
+ /* } */
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" ",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PE_"),k1,ng,nres);
} /* end k2 */
/* fprintf(ficgp,"\n set out; unset label;set key default;\n"); */
fprintf(ficgp,"\n set out; unset title;set key default;\n");
- } /* end k1 */
+ } /* end resultline */
} /* end ng */
/* avoid: */
if (cptcovn < 1){i1=1;}
- for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++) /* For each resultline */
- for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){ /* We find the combination equivalent to result line values of dummies */
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ k=TKresult[nres];
+ /* for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){ /\* We find the combination equivalent to result line values of dummies *\/ */
if(i1 != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k)
fprintf(ficresvpl,"\n#****** ");
printf("\n#****** ");
fprintf(ficlog,"\n#****** ");
- for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++) {
- fprintf(ficresvpl,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]);
- fprintf(ficlog,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]);
- printf("V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]);
+ for(j=1;j<=cptcovs;j++) {
+ fprintf(ficresvpl,"V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][j]]);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][j]]);
+ printf("V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][j]]);
+ /* fprintf(ficlog,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]); */
+ /* printf("V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]); */
- for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]);
- fprintf(ficresvpl," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]);
- fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]);
- }
+ /* for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]); */
+ /* fprintf(ficresvpl," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]); */
+ /* fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]); */
+ /* } */
if (cptcovn < 1){i1=1;}
- for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++) /* For each resultline */
- for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){
- if(i1 != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k)
- continue;
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ k=TKresult[nres];
+ /* for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){ */
+ /* if(i1 != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k) */
+ /* continue; */
fprintf(ficresvbl,"\n#****** ");
printf("\n#****** ");
fprintf(ficlog,"\n#****** ");
- for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++) {
- fprintf(ficresvbl,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]);
- fprintf(ficlog,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]);
- printf("V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]);
- }
- for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]);
- fprintf(ficresvbl," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]);
- fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]);
+ for (j=1; j<= cptcovs; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ printf(" V%d=%lg ",Tvqresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]);
+ fprintf(ficresvbl," V%d=%lg ",Tvqresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]);
+ fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%lg ",Tvqresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]);
+ /* for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++) { */
+ /* fprintf(ficresvbl,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]); */
+ /* fprintf(ficlog,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]); */
+ /* printf("V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]); */
+ /* } */
+ /* for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]); */
+ /* fprintf(ficresvbl," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]); */
+ /* fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]); */
i1=pow(2,cptcoveff); /* Number of combination of dummy covariates */
if (cptcovn < 1){i1=1;}
- for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){ /* For each combination k of dummy covariates in the model */
+ /* for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){ /\* For each combination k of dummy covariates in the model *\/ */
for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
- if(i1 != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k)
- continue;
+ k=TKresult[nres];
+ /* if(i1 != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k) /\* We found the combination k corresponding to the resultline value of dummies *\/ */
+ /* continue; */
/* for(cptcov=1,k=0;cptcov<=i1;cptcov++){ */
/* for(cptcov=1,k=0;cptcov<=1;cptcov++){ */
- for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff ;j++) {/* all covariates */
+ for(j=1;j<=cptcovs ;j++) {/**< cptcovs number of SIMPLE covariates in the model or resultline V2+V1 =2 (dummy or quantit or time varying) */
/* fprintf(ficrespl," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,Tvaraff[j])]); /\* Here problem for varying dummy*\/ */
- fprintf(ficrespl," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]); /* Here problem for varying dummy*/
- printf(" V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]);
- fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]);
- }
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
- fprintf(ficrespl," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
- fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
- }
+ /* printf(" V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]); */
+ /* fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]); */
+ fprintf(ficrespl," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][j]]);
+ printf(" V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][j]]);
+ fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][j]]);
+ }
+ /* for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]); */
+ /* fprintf(ficrespl," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]); */
+ /* fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]); */
+ /* } */
fprintf(ficrespl,"#Age ");
- for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++) {
- fprintf(ficrespl,"V%d %d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]);
+ /* for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++) { */
+ /* fprintf(ficrespl,"V%d %d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]); */
+ /* } */
+ for(j=1;j<=cptcovs;j++) { /* New the quanti variable is added */
+ fprintf(ficrespl,"V%d %lg ",Tvresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][j]]);
for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++) fprintf(ficrespl," %d-%d ",i,i);
fprintf(ficrespl,"Total Years_to_converge\n");
for (age=agebase; age<=agelim; age++){
/* for (age=agebase; age<=agebase; age++){ */
- prevalim(prlim, nlstate, p, age, oldm, savm, ftolpl, ncvyearp, k, nres);
+ /**< Computes the prevalence limit in each live state at age x and for covariate combination (k and) nres */
+ prevalim(prlim, nlstate, p, age, oldm, savm, ftolpl, ncvyearp, k, nres); /* Nicely done */
fprintf(ficrespl,"%.0f ",age );
- for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++)
- fprintf(ficrespl,"%d %d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]);
+ /* for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++) */
+ /* fprintf(ficrespl,"%d %d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]); */
+ for(j=1;j<=cptcovs;j++)
+ fprintf(ficrespl,"%d %lg ",Tvresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][j]]);
for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++){
tot += prlim[i][i];
fprintf(ficrespl," %.3f %d\n", tot, *ncvyearp);
} /* Age */
/* was end of cptcod */
- } /* cptcov */
- } /* nres */
+ } /* nres */
+ /* } /\* for each combination *\/ */
return 0;
double agedeb;
double ***p3mat;
- strcpy(filerespij,"PIJ_"); strcat(filerespij,fileresu);
- if((ficrespij=fopen(filerespij,"w"))==NULL) {
- printf("Problem with Pij resultfile: %s\n", filerespij); return 1;
- fprintf(ficlog,"Problem with Pij resultfile: %s\n", filerespij); return 1;
- }
- printf("Computing pij: result on file '%s' \n", filerespij);
- fprintf(ficlog,"Computing pij: result on file '%s' \n", filerespij);
+ strcpy(filerespij,"PIJ_"); strcat(filerespij,fileresu);
+ if((ficrespij=fopen(filerespij,"w"))==NULL) {
+ printf("Problem with Pij resultfile: %s\n", filerespij); return 1;
+ fprintf(ficlog,"Problem with Pij resultfile: %s\n", filerespij); return 1;
+ }
+ printf("Computing pij: result on file '%s' \n", filerespij);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"Computing pij: result on file '%s' \n", filerespij);
- stepsize=(int) (stepm+YEARM-1)/YEARM;
- /*if (stepm<=24) stepsize=2;*/
- agelim=AGESUP;
- hstepm=stepsize*YEARM; /* Every year of age */
- hstepm=hstepm/stepm; /* Typically 2 years, = 2/6 months = 4 */
- /* hstepm=1; aff par mois*/
- pstamp(ficrespij);
- fprintf(ficrespij,"#****** h Pij x Probability to be in state j at age x+h being in i at x ");
- i1= pow(2,cptcoveff);
- /* for(cptcov=1,k=0;cptcov<=i1;cptcov++){ */
- /* /\*for(cptcod=1;cptcod<=ncodemax[cptcov];cptcod++){*\/ */
- /* k=k+1; */
- for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++) /* For each resultline */
- for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){
- if(i1 != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k)
- continue;
- fprintf(ficrespij,"\n#****** ");
- for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++)
- fprintf(ficrespij,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]);
- for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
- fprintf(ficrespij," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
- }
- fprintf(ficrespij,"******\n");
+ stepsize=(int) (stepm+YEARM-1)/YEARM;
+ /*if (stepm<=24) stepsize=2;*/
+ agelim=AGESUP;
+ hstepm=stepsize*YEARM; /* Every year of age */
+ hstepm=hstepm/stepm; /* Typically 2 years, = 2/6 months = 4 */
+ /* hstepm=1; aff par mois*/
+ pstamp(ficrespij);
+ fprintf(ficrespij,"#****** h Pij x Probability to be in state j at age x+h being in i at x ");
+ i1= pow(2,cptcoveff);
+ /* for(cptcov=1,k=0;cptcov<=i1;cptcov++){ */
+ /* /\*for(cptcod=1;cptcod<=ncodemax[cptcov];cptcod++){*\/ */
+ /* k=k+1; */
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ k=TKresult[nres];
+ /* for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){ */
+ /* if(i1 != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k) */
+ /* continue; */
+ fprintf(ficrespij,"\n#****** ");
+ for(j=1;j<=cptcovs;j++){
+ fprintf(ficrespij," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][j]]);
+ /* fprintf(ficrespij,"@wV%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]); */
+ /* for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]); */
+ /* fprintf(ficrespij," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]); */
+ }
+ fprintf(ficrespij,"******\n");
+ for (agedeb=fage; agedeb>=bage; agedeb--){ /* If stepm=6 months */
+ nhstepm=(int) rint((agelim-agedeb)*YEARM/stepm); /* Typically 20 years = 20*12/6=40 */
+ nhstepm = nhstepm/hstepm; /* Typically 40/4=10 */
- for (agedeb=fage; agedeb>=bage; agedeb--){ /* If stepm=6 months */
- nhstepm=(int) rint((agelim-agedeb)*YEARM/stepm); /* Typically 20 years = 20*12/6=40 */
- nhstepm = nhstepm/hstepm; /* Typically 40/4=10 */
- /* nhstepm=nhstepm*YEARM; aff par mois*/
- p3mat=ma3x(1,nlstate+ndeath,1, nlstate+ndeath, 0,nhstepm);
- oldm=oldms;savm=savms;
- hpxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agedeb,hstepm,p,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, k, nres);
- fprintf(ficrespij,"# Cov Agex agex+h hpijx with i,j=");
+ /* nhstepm=nhstepm*YEARM; aff par mois*/
+ p3mat=ma3x(1,nlstate+ndeath,1, nlstate+ndeath, 0,nhstepm);
+ oldm=oldms;savm=savms;
+ hpxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agedeb,hstepm,p,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, k, nres);
+ fprintf(ficrespij,"# Cov Agex agex+h hpijx with i,j=");
+ for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++)
+ for(j=1; j<=nlstate+ndeath;j++)
+ fprintf(ficrespij," %1d-%1d",i,j);
+ fprintf(ficrespij,"\n");
+ for (h=0; h<=nhstepm; h++){
+ /*agedebphstep = agedeb + h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm;*/
+ fprintf(ficrespij,"%d %3.f %3.f",k, agedeb, agedeb + h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm );
for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++)
for(j=1; j<=nlstate+ndeath;j++)
- fprintf(ficrespij," %1d-%1d",i,j);
- fprintf(ficrespij,"\n");
- for (h=0; h<=nhstepm; h++){
- /*agedebphstep = agedeb + h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm;*/
- fprintf(ficrespij,"%d %3.f %3.f",k, agedeb, agedeb + h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm );
- for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++)
- for(j=1; j<=nlstate+ndeath;j++)
- fprintf(ficrespij," %.5f", p3mat[i][j][h]);
- fprintf(ficrespij,"\n");
- }
- free_ma3x(p3mat,1,nlstate+ndeath,1, nlstate+ndeath, 0,nhstepm);
+ fprintf(ficrespij," %.5f", p3mat[i][j][h]);
- /*}*/
+ free_ma3x(p3mat,1,nlstate+ndeath,1, nlstate+ndeath, 0,nhstepm);
+ fprintf(ficrespij,"\n");
- return 0;
+ }
+ /*}*/
+ return 0;
int hBijx(double *p, int bage, int fage, double ***prevacurrent){
/* /\*for(cptcod=1;cptcod<=ncodemax[cptcov];cptcod++){*\/ */
/* k=k+1; */
for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
- for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){ /* For any combination of dummy covariates, fixed and varying */
- if(i1 != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k)
- continue;
- fprintf(ficrespijb,"\n#****** ");
- for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++)
- fprintf(ficrespijb,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]);
- for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- fprintf(ficrespijb," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]);
- }
- fprintf(ficrespijb,"******\n");
- if(invalidvarcomb[k]){ /* Is it necessary here? */
- fprintf(ficrespijb,"\n#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k);
- continue;
- }
+ k=TKresult[nres];
+ /* for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){ /\* For any combination of dummy covariates, fixed and varying *\/ */
+ /* if(i1 != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k) */
+ /* continue; */
+ fprintf(ficrespijb,"\n#****** ");
+ for(j=1;j<=cptcovs;j++){
+ fprintf(ficrespij," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][j]]);
+ /* for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++) */
+ /* fprintf(ficrespijb,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]); */
+ /* for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /\* For each selected (single) quantitative value *\/ */
+ /* fprintf(ficrespijb," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]); */
+ }
+ fprintf(ficrespijb,"******\n");
+ if(invalidvarcomb[k]){ /* Is it necessary here? */
+ fprintf(ficrespijb,"\n#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* for (agedeb=fage; agedeb>=bage; agedeb--){ /\* If stepm=6 months *\/ */
+ for (agedeb=bage; agedeb<=fage; agedeb++){ /* If stepm=6 months and estepm=24 (2 years) */
+ /* nhstepm=(int) rint((agelim-agedeb)*YEARM/stepm); /\* Typically 20 years = 20*12/6=40 *\/ */
+ nhstepm=(int) rint((agedeb-ageminl)*YEARM/stepm+0.1)-1; /* Typically 20 years = 20*12/6=40 or 55*12/24=27.5-1.1=>27 */
+ nhstepm = nhstepm/hstepm; /* Typically 40/4=10, because estepm=24 stepm=6 => hstepm=24/6=4 or 28*/
- /* for (agedeb=fage; agedeb>=bage; agedeb--){ /\* If stepm=6 months *\/ */
- for (agedeb=bage; agedeb<=fage; agedeb++){ /* If stepm=6 months and estepm=24 (2 years) */
- /* nhstepm=(int) rint((agelim-agedeb)*YEARM/stepm); /\* Typically 20 years = 20*12/6=40 *\/ */
- nhstepm=(int) rint((agedeb-ageminl)*YEARM/stepm+0.1)-1; /* Typically 20 years = 20*12/6=40 or 55*12/24=27.5-1.1=>27 */
- nhstepm = nhstepm/hstepm; /* Typically 40/4=10, because estepm=24 stepm=6 => hstepm=24/6=4 or 28*/
- /* nhstepm=nhstepm*YEARM; aff par mois*/
- p3mat=ma3x(1,nlstate+ndeath,1, nlstate+ndeath, 0,nhstepm); /* We can't have it at an upper level because of nhstepm */
- /* and memory limitations if stepm is small */
- /* oldm=oldms;savm=savms; */
- /* hbxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agedeb,hstepm,p,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, k); */
- hbxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agedeb,hstepm,p,prevacurrent,nlstate,stepm, k, nres);/* Bug valgrind */
- /* hbxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agedeb,hstepm,p,prevacurrent,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, dnewm, doldm, dsavm, k); */
- fprintf(ficrespijb,"# Cov Agex agex-h hbijx with i,j=");
+ /* nhstepm=nhstepm*YEARM; aff par mois*/
+ p3mat=ma3x(1,nlstate+ndeath,1, nlstate+ndeath, 0,nhstepm); /* We can't have it at an upper level because of nhstepm */
+ /* and memory limitations if stepm is small */
+ /* oldm=oldms;savm=savms; */
+ /* hbxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agedeb,hstepm,p,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, k); */
+ hbxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agedeb,hstepm,p,prevacurrent,nlstate,stepm, k, nres);/* Bug valgrind */
+ /* hbxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agedeb,hstepm,p,prevacurrent,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, dnewm, doldm, dsavm, k); */
+ fprintf(ficrespijb,"# Cov Agex agex-h hbijx with i,j=");
+ for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++)
+ for(j=1; j<=nlstate+ndeath;j++)
+ fprintf(ficrespijb," %1d-%1d",i,j);
+ fprintf(ficrespijb,"\n");
+ for (h=0; h<=nhstepm; h++){
+ /*agedebphstep = agedeb + h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm;*/
+ fprintf(ficrespijb,"%d %3.f %3.f",k, agedeb, agedeb - h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm );
+ /* fprintf(ficrespijb,"%d %3.f %3.f",k, agedeb, agedeb + h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm ); */
for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++)
for(j=1; j<=nlstate+ndeath;j++)
- fprintf(ficrespijb," %1d-%1d",i,j);
+ fprintf(ficrespijb," %.5f", p3mat[i][j][h]);/* Bug valgrind */
- for (h=0; h<=nhstepm; h++){
- /*agedebphstep = agedeb + h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm;*/
- fprintf(ficrespijb,"%d %3.f %3.f",k, agedeb, agedeb - h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm );
- /* fprintf(ficrespijb,"%d %3.f %3.f",k, agedeb, agedeb + h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm ); */
- for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++)
- for(j=1; j<=nlstate+ndeath;j++)
- fprintf(ficrespijb," %.5f", p3mat[i][j][h]);/* Bug valgrind */
- fprintf(ficrespijb,"\n");
- }
- free_ma3x(p3mat,1,nlstate+ndeath,1, nlstate+ndeath, 0,nhstepm);
- fprintf(ficrespijb,"\n");
- } /* end age deb */
- } /* end combination */
+ }
+ free_ma3x(p3mat,1,nlstate+ndeath,1, nlstate+ndeath, 0,nhstepm);
+ fprintf(ficrespijb,"\n");
+ } /* end age deb */
+ /* } /\* end combination *\/ */
} /* end nres */
return 0;
} /* hBijx */
fprintf(fichtm,"<hr size=\"2\" color=\"#EC5E5E\"> \n\
<font size=\"2\">IMaCh-%s <br> %s</font> \
<hr size=\"2\" color=\"#EC5E5E\"> \n\
-This file: <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>Title=%s <br>Datafile=<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> Firstpass=%d Lastpass=%d Stepm=%d Weight=%d Model=1+age+%s<br>\n\
+This file: <a href=\"%s\">%s</a></br>Title=%s <br>Datafile=<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> Firstpass=%d Lastpass=%d Stepm=%d Weight=%d Model=1+age+%s<br>\n\
<hr size=\"2\" color=\"#EC5E5E\">\
<ul><li><h4>Parameter files</h4>\n\
printf("V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]);
for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- printf(" V%d=%f ",TvarsQ[j], TinvDoQresult[nres][TvarsQ[j]]); /* TvarsQ[j] gives the name of the jth quantitative (fixed or time v) */
- fprintf(ficreseij,"V%d=%f ",TvarsQ[j], TinvDoQresult[nres][TvarsQ[j]]);
+ printf(" V%d=%lg ",TvarsQ[j], TinvDoQresult[nres][TvarsQ[j]]); /* TvarsQ[j] gives the name of the jth quantitative (fixed or time v) */
+ fprintf(ficreseij,"V%d=%lg ",TvarsQ[j], TinvDoQresult[nres][TvarsQ[j]]);
printf("\n j=%d In computing T_ Dummy[modelresult[%d][%d]]=%d, modelresult[%d][%d]=%d cptcovs=%d, cptcoveff=%d Fixed[modelresult[nres][j]]=%d\n", j, nres, j, Dummy[modelresult[nres][j]],nres,j,modelresult[nres][j],cptcovs, cptcoveff,Fixed[modelresult[nres][j]]); /* end if dummy or quanti */
if(Dummy[modelresult[nres][j]]==0){/* Dummy variable of the variable in position modelresult in the model corresponding to j in resultline */
- printf("V%d=%d ",Tvresult[nres][j],Tresult[nres][j]); /* Output of each value for the combination TKresult[nres], ordere by the covariate values in the resultline */
- fprintf(ficlog,"V%d=%d ",Tvresult[nres][j],Tresult[nres][j]); /* Output of each value for the combination TKresult[nres], ordere by the covariate values in the resultline */
- fprintf(ficrest,"V%d=%d ",Tvresult[nres][j],Tresult[nres][j]); /* Output of each value for the combination TKresult[nres], ordere by the covariate values in the resultline */
+ printf("V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][j]); /* Output of each value for the combination TKresult[nres], ordere by the covariate values in the resultline */
+ fprintf(ficlog,"V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][j]); /* Output of each value for the combination TKresult[nres], ordere by the covariate values in the resultline */
+ fprintf(ficrest,"V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][j]); /* Output of each value for the combination TKresult[nres], ordere by the covariate values in the resultline */
if(Fixed[modelresult[nres][j]]==0){ /* Fixed */
printf("fixed ");fprintf(ficlog,"fixed ");fprintf(ficrest,"fixed ");
/* fprintf(ficlog,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]); */
}else if(Dummy[modelresult[nres][j]]==1){ /* Quanti variable */
/* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
- printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ printf(" V%d=%lg ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%lg ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ fprintf(ficrest," V%d=%lg ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
if(Fixed[modelresult[nres][j]]==0){ /* Fixed */
printf("fixed ");fprintf(ficlog,"fixed ");fprintf(ficrest,"fixed ");
fprintf(ficresstdeij,"\n#****** ");
fprintf(ficrescveij,"\n#****** ");
+ /* It could have been: for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++) {printf("V=%d=%lg",Tvresult[nres][cpt],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][cpt]]);} */
+ /* But it won't be sorted and depends on how the resultline is ordered */
for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++) {
fprintf(ficresstdeij,"V%d=%d ",Tvresult[nres][j],Tresult[nres][j]);
/* fprintf(ficresstdeij,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]); */
/* fprintf(ficrescveij,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]])]); */
for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value, TvarsQind gives the position of a quantitative in model equation */
- fprintf(ficresstdeij," V%d=%f ",Tvar[TvarsQind[j]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][TvarsQind[j]]]);
- fprintf(ficrescveij," V%d=%f ",Tvar[TvarsQind[j]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][TvarsQind[j]]]);
+ fprintf(ficresstdeij," V%d=%lg ",Tvar[TvarsQind[j]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][TvarsQind[j]]]);
+ fprintf(ficrescveij," V%d=%lg ",Tvar[TvarsQind[j]],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][TvarsQind[j]]]);
/* fprintf(ficresvij,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,TnsdVar[TnsdVar[Tvaraff[j]]])]); */
for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
/* fprintf(ficresvij," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]); /\* To solve *\/ */
- fprintf(ficresvij," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]); /* Solved */
+ fprintf(ficresvij," V%d=%lg ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][j]]); /* Solved */