/* $Id$
+ Revision 1.341 2022/09/11 07:58:42 brouard
+ Summary: Version 0.99r38
+ After adding change in cotvar.
Revision 1.340 2022/09/11 07:53:11 brouard
Summary: Version imach 0.99r37
char strstart[80];
char optionfilext[10], optionfilefiname[FILENAMELENGTH];
int erreur=0, nberr=0, nbwarn=0; /* Error number, number of errors number of warnings */
+int debugILK=0; /* debugILK is set by a #d in a comment line */
int nagesqr=0, nforce=0; /* nagesqr=1 if model is including age*age, number of forces */
/* Number of covariates model (1)=V2+V1+ V3*age+V2*V4 */
/* Model(2) V1 + V2 + V3 + V8 + V7*V8 + V5*V6 + V8*age + V3*age + age*age */
ipmx +=1;
sw += weight[i];
ll[s[mw[mi][i]][i]] += 2*weight[i]*lli;
- printf("Funcone num[i]=%ld i=%6d V= ", num[i], i);
- for (kf=1; kf<=ncovf;kf++){ /* Simple and product fixed covariates without age* products *//* Missing values are set to -1 but should be dropped */
- printf("%g",covar[Tvar[TvarFind[kf]]][i]);
- }
- for(ncovv=1, iposold=0; ncovv <= ncovvt ; ncovv++){ /* Varying covariates (single and product but no age) including individual from products */
- ipos=TvarVVind[ncovv]; /* TvarVVind={2, 5, 5] gives the position in the model of the ncovv th varying covariate*/
- if(ipos!=iposold){ /* Not a product or first of a product */
- printf(" %g",cov[ioffset+ipos]);
- }else{
- printf("*");
- }
- iposold=ipos;
- }
- for (kk=1; kk<=cptcovage;kk++) {
- if(!FixedV[Tvar[Tage[kk]]])
- printf(" %g*age",covar[Tvar[Tage[kk]]][i]);
- else
- printf(" %g*age",cotvar[mw[mi][i]][Tvar[Tage[kk]]][i]);/* because cotvar starts now at first ncovcol+nqv+ (1 to nqtv) */
- }
- printf(" s1=%1d s2=%1d mi=%1d mw=%1d dh=%3d prob=%10.6f w=%6.4f out=%10.6f sav=%10.6f\n",s1,s2,mi,mw[mi][i],dh[mi][i],exp(lli),weight[i],(s2==-1? -1: out[s1][s2]),(s2==-1? -1: savm[s1][s2]));
+ /* Printing covariates values for each contribution for checking */
+ /* printf(" s1=%1d s2=%1d mi=%1d mw=%1d dh=%3d prob=%10.6f w=%6.4f out=%10.6f sav=%10.6f\n",s1,s2,mi,mw[mi][i],dh[mi][i],exp(lli),weight[i],(s2==-1? -1: out[s1][s2]),(s2==-1? -1: savm[s1][s2])); */
fprintf(ficresilk,"%09ld %6.1f %6.1f %6d %2d %2d %2d %2d %3d %15.6f %8.4f %8.3f\
%11.6f %11.6f %11.6f ", \
fprintf(ficresilk," %10.6f",-ll[k]*gipmx/gsw);
/* printf(" %10.6f",-ll[k]*gipmx/gsw); */
- fprintf(ficresilk," %10.6f\n", -llt);
+ fprintf(ficresilk," %10.6f", -llt);
/* printf(" %10.6f\n", -llt); */
- }
+ /* if(debugILK){ /\* debugILK is set by a #d in a comment line *\/ */
+ fprintf(ficresilk,"%09ld ", num[i]);
+ for (kf=1; kf<=ncovf;kf++){ /* Simple and product fixed covariates without age* products *//* Missing values are set to -1 but should be dropped */
+ fprintf(ficresilk," %g",covar[Tvar[TvarFind[kf]]][i]);
+ }
+ for(ncovv=1, iposold=0; ncovv <= ncovvt ; ncovv++){ /* Varying covariates (single and product but no age) including individual from products */
+ ipos=TvarVVind[ncovv]; /* TvarVVind={2, 5, 5] gives the position in the model of the ncovv th varying covariate*/
+ if(ipos!=iposold){ /* Not a product or first of a product */
+ fprintf(ficresilk," %g",cov[ioffset+ipos]);
+ /* printf(" %g",cov[ioffset+ipos]); */
+ }else{
+ fprintf(ficresilk,"*");
+ /* printf("*"); */
+ }
+ iposold=ipos;
+ }
+ for (kk=1; kk<=cptcovage;kk++) {
+ if(!FixedV[Tvar[Tage[kk]]]){
+ fprintf(ficresilk," %g*age",covar[Tvar[Tage[kk]]][i]);
+ /* printf(" %g*age",covar[Tvar[Tage[kk]]][i]); */
+ }else{
+ fprintf(ficresilk," %g*age",cotvar[mw[mi][i]][Tvar[Tage[kk]]][i]);/* because cotvar starts now at first ncovcol+nqv+ (1 to nqtv) */
+ /* printf(" %g*age",cotvar[mw[mi][i]][Tvar[Tage[kk]]][i]);/\* because cotvar starts now at first ncovcol+nqv+ (1 to nqtv) *\/ */
+ }
+ }
+ /* printf("\n"); */
+ /* } /\* End debugILK *\/ */
+ fprintf(ficresilk,"\n");
+ } /* End if globpr */
} /* end of wave */
} /* end of individual */
for(k=1,l=0.; k<=nlstate; k++) l += ll[k];
the selection of individuals/waves and
to check the exact contribution to the likelihood.
Plotting could be done.
- */
- int k;
+ */
+ void pstamp(FILE *ficres);
+ int k, kf, kk, ncovv, iposold, ipos;
if(*globpri !=0){ /* Just counts and sums, no printings */
printf("Problem with resultfile: %s\n", fileresilk);
fprintf(ficlog,"Problem with resultfile: %s\n", fileresilk);
+ pstamp(ficresilk);fprintf(ficresilk,"# model=1+age+%s\n",model);
fprintf(ficresilk, "#individual(line's_record) count ageb ageend s1 s2 wave# effective_wave# number_of_matrices_product pij weight weight/gpw -2ln(pij)*weight 0pij_x 0pij_(x-stepm) cumulating_loglikeli_by_health_state(reweighted=-2ll*weightXnumber_of_contribs/sum_of_weights) and_total\n");
fprintf(ficresilk, "#num_i ageb agend i s1 s2 mi mw dh likeli weight %%weight 2wlli out sav ");
/* i,s1,s2,mi,mw[mi][i],dh[mi][i],exp(lli),weight[i],2*weight[i]*lli,out[s1][s2],savm[s1][s2]); */
for(k=1; k<=nlstate; k++)
fprintf(ficresilk," -2*gipw/gsw*weight*ll[%d]++",k);
- fprintf(ficresilk," -2*gipw/gsw*weight*ll(total)\n");
- }
+ fprintf(ficresilk," -2*gipw/gsw*weight*ll(total) ");
+ /* if(debugILK){ /\* debugILK is set by a #d in a comment line *\/ */
+ for(kf=1;kf <= ncovf; kf++){
+ fprintf(ficresilk,"V%d",Tvar[TvarFind[kf]]);
+ /* printf("V%d",Tvar[TvarFind[kf]]); */
+ }
+ for(ncovv=1, iposold=0; ncovv <= ncovvt ; ncovv++){
+ ipos=TvarVVind[ncovv]; /* TvarVVind={2, 5, 5] gives the position in the model of the ncovv th varying covariate*/
+ if(ipos!=iposold){ /* Not a product or first of a product */
+ /* printf(" %d",ipos); */
+ fprintf(ficresilk," V%d",TvarVV[ncovv]);
+ }else{
+ /* printf("*"); */
+ fprintf(ficresilk,"*");
+ }
+ iposold=ipos;
+ }
+ for (kk=1; kk<=cptcovage;kk++) {
+ if(!FixedV[Tvar[Tage[kk]]]){
+ /* printf(" %d*age(Fixed)",Tvar[Tage[kk]]); */
+ fprintf(ficresilk," %d*age(Fixed)",Tvar[Tage[kk]]);
+ }else{
+ fprintf(ficresilk," %d*age(Varying)",Tvar[Tage[kk]]);/* because cotvar starts now at first ncovcol+nqv+ (1 to nqtv) */
+ /* printf(" %d*age(Varying)",Tvar[Tage[kk]]);/\* because cotvar starts now at first ncovcol+nqv+ (1 to nqtv) *\/ */
+ }
+ }
+ /* } /\* End if debugILK *\/ */
+ /* printf("\n"); */
+ fprintf(ficresilk,"\n");
+ } /* End glogpri */
if(*globpri !=0){
} /* end switch */
} /* end dummy test */
- if(Dummy[k]==1 && Typevar[k] !=1){ /* Quantitative covariate and not age product */
+ if(Dummy[k]==1 && Typevar[k] !=1 && Fixed ==0){ /* Fixed Quantitative covariate and not age product */
for (i=1; i<=imx; i++) { /* Loop on individuals: reads the data file to get the maximum value of the modality of this covariate Vj*/
if(Tvar[k]<=0 || Tvar[k]>=NCOVMAX){
printf("Error k=%d \n",k);
for(nres=1;nres <=nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
for(j1=1; j1<=tj;j1++){ /* For any combination of dummy covariates, fixed and varying */
- printf("Varprob TKresult[nres]=%d j1=%d, nres=%d, cptcovn=%d, cptcoveff=%d tj=%d cptcovs=%d\n", TKresult[nres], j1, nres, cptcovn, cptcoveff, tj, cptcovs);
+ /* printf("Varprob TKresult[nres]=%d j1=%d, nres=%d, cptcovn=%d, cptcoveff=%d tj=%d cptcovs=%d\n", TKresult[nres], j1, nres, cptcovn, cptcoveff, tj, cptcovs); */
if(tj != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= j1)
- printf("Decoderesult resultsav=\"%s\" resultline=\"%s\"\n", resultsav, resultline);
+ /* printf("Decoderesult resultsav=\"%s\" resultline=\"%s\"\n", resultsav, resultline); */
if (strlen(resultsav) >1){
j=nbocc(resultsav,'='); /**< j=Number of covariate values'=' in this resultline */
if(Tvar[k1]==Tvarsel[k2]) {/* Tvar is coming from the model, Tvarsel from the result. Tvar[1]=5 == Tvarsel[2]=5 */
modelresult[nres][k2]=k1;/* we found a Vn=1 corrresponding to Vn*age in the model modelresult[2]=1 modelresult[1]=2 modelresult[3]=3 modelresult[6]=4 modelresult[9]=5 */
resultmodel[nres][k1]=k2; /* Added here */
- printf("Decoderesult first modelresult[k2=%d]=%d (k1) V%d*AGE\n",k2,k1,Tvar[k1]);
+ /* printf("Decoderesult first modelresult[k2=%d]=%d (k1) V%d*AGE\n",k2,k1,Tvar[k1]); */
match=1; /* modelresult of k2 variable of resultline is identical to k1 variable of the model good */
}else if(Typevar[k1]==2){ /* Product No age We want to get the position in the resultline of the product in the model line*/
/* resultmodel[nres][of such a Vn * Vm product k1] is not unique, so can't exist, we feed Tvard[k1][1] and [2] */
- printf("Decoderesult very first Product Tvardk[k1=%d][1]=%d Tvardk[k1=%d][2]=%d V%d * V%d\n",k1,Tvardk[k1][1],k1,Tvardk[k1][2],Tvardk[k1][1],Tvardk[k1][2]);
+ /* printf("Decoderesult very first Product Tvardk[k1=%d][1]=%d Tvardk[k1=%d][2]=%d V%d * V%d\n",k1,Tvardk[k1][1],k1,Tvardk[k1][2],Tvardk[k1][1],Tvardk[k1][2]); */
for(k2=1; k2 <=j;k2++){/* Loop on resultline. In result line V4=1 V5=24.1 V3=1 V2=8 V1=0 */
if(Tvardk[k1][1]==Tvarsel[k2]) {/* Tvardk is coming from the model, Tvarsel from the result. Tvar[1]=5 == Tvarsel[2]=5 */
/* modelresult[k2]=k1; */
- printf("Decoderesult first Product modelresult[k2=%d]=%d (k1) V%d * \n",k2,k1,Tvarsel[k2]);
+ /* printf("Decoderesult first Product modelresult[k2=%d]=%d (k1) V%d * \n",k2,k1,Tvarsel[k2]); */
match=1; /* modelresult of k2 variable of resultline is identical to k1 variable of the model good */
for(k2=1; k2 <=j;k2++){/* Loop on resultline. In result line V4=1 V5=24.1 V3=1 V2=8 V1=0 */
if(Tvardk[k1][2]==Tvarsel[k2]) {/* Tvardk is coming from the model, Tvarsel from the result. Tvar[1]=5 == Tvarsel[2]=5 */
/* modelresult[k2]=k1;*/
- printf("Decoderesult second Product modelresult[k2=%d]=%d (k1) * V%d \n ",k2,k1,Tvarsel[k2]);
+ /* printf("Decoderesult second Product modelresult[k2=%d]=%d (k1) * V%d \n ",k2,k1,Tvarsel[k2]); */
match=1; /* modelresult of k2 variable of resultline is identical to k1 variable of the model good */
Tvresult[nres][k3]=(int)Tvarsel[k3];/* Tvresult[nres][1]=4 Tvresult[nres][3]=1 */
Tinvresult[nres][(int)Tvarsel[k3]]=Tvalsel[k3]; /* Tinvresult[nres][4]=1 */
precov[nres][k1]=Tvalsel[k3]; /* Value from resultline of the variable at the k1 position in the model */
- printf("Decoderesult Dummy k=%d, k1=%d precov[nres=%d][k1=%d]=%.f V(k2=V%d)= Tvalsel[%d]=%d, 2**(%d)\n",k, k1, nres, k1,precov[nres][k1], k2, k3, (int)Tvalsel[k3], k4);
+ /* printf("Decoderesult Dummy k=%d, k1=%d precov[nres=%d][k1=%d]=%.f V(k2=V%d)= Tvalsel[%d]=%d, 2**(%d)\n",k, k1, nres, k1,precov[nres][k1], k2, k3, (int)Tvalsel[k3], k4); */
}else if( Dummy[k1]==1 && Typevar[k1]==0 ){ /* Quantitative and single */
/* Tqresult[nres][result_position]= value of the variable at the result_position in the nres resultline */
Tqinvresult[nres][(int)Tvarsel[k3q]]=Tvalsel[k3q]; /* Tqinvresult[nres][5]=25.1 */
TinvDoQresult[nres][(int)Tvarsel[k3q]]=Tvalsel[k3q]; /* Tqinvresult[nres][5]=25.1 */
- printf("Decoderesult Quantitative nres=%d,precov[nres=%d][k1=%d]=%.f V(k2q=V%d)= Tvalsel[%d]=%d, Tvarsel[%d]=%f\n",nres, nres, k1,precov[nres][k1], k2q, k3q, Tvarsel[k3q], k3q, Tvalsel[k3q]);
+ /* printf("Decoderesult Quantitative nres=%d,precov[nres=%d][k1=%d]=%.f V(k2q=V%d)= Tvalsel[%d]=%d, Tvarsel[%d]=%f\n",nres, nres, k1,precov[nres][k1], k2q, k3q, Tvarsel[k3q], k3q, Tvalsel[k3q]); */
}else if( Dummy[k1]==2 ){ /* For dummy with age product */
/* Tvar[k1]; */ /* Age variable */
k2=(int)Tvarsel[k3]; /* nres=1 k1=2=>k3=1 Tvarsel[resultmodel[2]]= Tvarsel[1] = 4=k2 (V4); k1=3=>k3=2 Tvarsel[2]=3 (V3)*/
TinvDoQresult[nres][(int)Tvarsel[k3]]=Tvalsel[k3]; /* TinvDoQresult[nres][4]=1 */
- printf("Decoderesult Dummy with age k=%d, k1=%d precov[nres=%d][k1=%d]=%.f Tvar[%d]=V%d k2=Tvarsel[%d]=%d Tvalsel[%d]=%d\n",k, k1, nres, k1,precov[nres][k1], k1, Tvar[k1], k3,(int)Tvarsel[k3], k3, (int)Tvalsel[k3]);
+ /* printf("Decoderesult Dummy with age k=%d, k1=%d precov[nres=%d][k1=%d]=%.f Tvar[%d]=V%d k2=Tvarsel[%d]=%d Tvalsel[%d]=%d\n",k, k1, nres, k1,precov[nres][k1], k1, Tvar[k1], k3,(int)Tvarsel[k3], k3, (int)Tvalsel[k3]); */
}else if( Dummy[k1]==3 ){ /* For quant with age product */
k3q= resultmodel[nres][k1]; /* resultmodel[1(V5)] = 25.1=k3q */
k2q=(int)Tvarsel[k3q]; /* Tvarsel[resultmodel[1]]= Tvarsel[1] = 4=k2 */
TinvDoQresult[nres][(int)Tvarsel[k3q]]=Tvalsel[k3q]; /* TinvDoQresult[nres][5]=25.1 */
- printf("Decoderesult Quantitative with age nres=%d, k1=%d, precov[nres=%d][k1=%d]=%f Tvar[%d]=V%d V(k2q=%d)= Tvarsel[%d]=%d, Tvalsel[%d]=%f\n",nres, k1, nres, k1,precov[nres][k1], k1, Tvar[k1], k2q, k3q, Tvarsel[k3q], k3q, Tvalsel[k3q]);
+ /* printf("Decoderesult Quantitative with age nres=%d, k1=%d, precov[nres=%d][k1=%d]=%f Tvar[%d]=V%d V(k2q=%d)= Tvarsel[%d]=%d, Tvalsel[%d]=%f\n",nres, k1, nres, k1,precov[nres][k1], k1, Tvar[k1], k2q, k3q, Tvarsel[k3q], k3q, Tvalsel[k3q]); */
}else if(Typevar[k1]==2 ){ /* For product quant or dummy (not with age) */
precov[nres][k1]=TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvardk[k1][1]] * TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvardk[k1][2]];
- printf("Decoderesult Quantitative or Dummy (not with age) nres=%d k1=%d precov[nres=%d][k1=%d]=%.f V%d(=%.f) * V%d(=%.f) \n",nres, k1, nres, k1,precov[nres][k1], Tvardk[k1][1], TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvardk[k1][1]], Tvardk[k1][2], TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvardk[k1][2]]);
+ /* printf("Decoderesult Quantitative or Dummy (not with age) nres=%d k1=%d precov[nres=%d][k1=%d]=%.f V%d(=%.f) * V%d(=%.f) \n",nres, k1, nres, k1,precov[nres][k1], Tvardk[k1][1], TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvardk[k1][1]], Tvardk[k1][2], TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvardk[k1][2]]); */
printf("Error Decoderesult probably a product Dummy[%d]==%d && Typevar[%d]==%d\n", k1, Dummy[k1], k1, Typevar[k1]);
fprintf(ficlog,"Error Decoderesult probably a product Dummy[%d]==%d && Typevar[%d]==%d\n", k1, Dummy[k1], k1, Typevar[k1]);
Typevar: 0 for simple covariate (dummy, quantitative, fixed or varying), 1 for age product, 2 for product \n\
Fixed[k] 0=fixed (product or simple), 1 varying, 2 fixed with age product, 3 varying with age product \n\
Dummy[k] 0=dummy (0 1), 1 quantitative (single or product without age), 2 dummy with age product, 3 quant with age product\n",model);
- for(k=-1;k<=cptcovt; k++){ Fixed[k]=0; Dummy[k]=0;}
+ for(k=-1;k<=NCOVMAX; k++){ Fixed[k]=0; Dummy[k]=0;}
+ for(k=1;k<=NCOVMAX; k++){TvarFind[k]=0; TvarVind[k]=0;}
for(k=1, ncovf=0, nsd=0, nsq=0, ncovv=0, ncova=0, ncoveff=0, nqfveff=0, ntveff=0, nqtveff=0, ncovvt=0;k<=cptcovt; k++){ /* or cptocvt */
if (Tvar[k] <=ncovcol && Typevar[k]==0 ){ /* Simple fixed dummy (<=ncovcol) covariates */
Fixed[k]= 0;
TvarVQind[nqtveff]=k; /* TvarVQind[1]=1 in V5+V4+V3+V4*V3+V5*age+V2+V1*V2+V1*age+V1 */ /* Only simple time varying quantitative variable */
TmodelInvQind[nqtveff]=Tvar[k]- ncovcol-nqv-ntv;/* Only simple time varying quantitative variable */
/* Tmodeliqind[k]=nqtveff;/\* Only simple time varying quantitative variable *\/ */
- printf("Quasi TmodelQind[%d]=%d,Tvar[TmodelQind[%d]]=V%d, ncovcol=%d, nqv=%d, ntv=%d,Tvar[k]- ncovcol-nqv-ntv=%d\n",nqtveff,k,nqtveff,Tvar[k], ncovcol, nqv, ntv, Tvar[k]- ncovcol-nqv-ntv);
- printf("Quasi TmodelInvQind[%d]=%d\n",k,Tvar[k]- ncovcol-nqv-ntv);
+ /* printf("Quasi TmodelQind[%d]=%d,Tvar[TmodelQind[%d]]=V%d, ncovcol=%d, nqv=%d, ntv=%d,Tvar[k]- ncovcol-nqv-ntv=%d\n",nqtveff,k,nqtveff,Tvar[k], ncovcol, nqv, ntv, Tvar[k]- ncovcol-nqv-ntv); */
+ /* printf("Quasi TmodelInvQind[%d]=%d\n",k,Tvar[k]- ncovcol-nqv-ntv); */
}else if (Typevar[k] == 1) { /* product with age */
printf("Error, current version can't treat for performance reasons, Tvar[%d]=%d, Typevar[%d]=%d\n", k, Tvar[k], k, Typevar[k]);
fprintf(ficlog,"Error, current version can't treat for performance reasons, Tvar[%d]=%d, Typevar[%d]=%d\n", k, Tvar[k], k, Typevar[k]);
- printf("Decodemodel, k=%d, Tvar[%d]=V%d,Typevar=%d, Fixed=%d, Dummy=%d\n",k, k,Tvar[k],Typevar[k],Fixed[k],Dummy[k]);
- printf(" modell[%d].maintype=%d, modell[%d].subtype=%d\n",k,modell[k].maintype,k,modell[k].subtype);
+ /* printf("Decodemodel, k=%d, Tvar[%d]=V%d,Typevar=%d, Fixed=%d, Dummy=%d\n",k, k,Tvar[k],Typevar[k],Fixed[k],Dummy[k]); */
+ /* printf(" modell[%d].maintype=%d, modell[%d].subtype=%d\n",k,modell[k].maintype,k,modell[k].subtype); */
fprintf(ficlog,"Decodemodel, k=%d, Tvar[%d]=V%d,Typevar=%d, Fixed=%d, Dummy=%d\n",k, k,Tvar[k],Typevar[k],Fixed[k],Dummy[k]);
/* Searching for doublons in the model */
if(line[1]=='q'){ /* This #q will quit imach (the answer is q) */
+ }else if(line[1]=='d'){ /* For debugging individual values of covariates in ficresilk */
+ debugILK=1;
/* printf("****line [1] = %c \n",line[1]); */
fputs(line, stdout);
case 13:
nresult++; /* Sum of resultlines */
- printf("Result %d: result:%s\n",nresult, resultlineori);
+ /* printf("Result %d: result:%s\n",nresult, resultlineori); */
/* removefirstspace(&resultlineori); */
if(strstr(resultlineori,"v") !=0){
return 1;
trimbb(resultline, resultlineori); /* Suppressing double blank in the resultline */
- printf("Decoderesult resultline=\"%s\" resultlineori=\"%s\"\n", resultline, resultlineori);
+ /* printf("Decoderesult resultline=\"%s\" resultlineori=\"%s\"\n", resultline, resultlineori); */
printf("ERROR: Current version of IMaCh limits the number of resultlines to %d, you used %d\nYou can use the 'r' parameter file '%s' which uses option mle=0 to get other results. ",MAXRESULTLINESPONE-1,nresult,rfileres);
fprintf(ficlog,"ERROR: Current version of IMaCh limits the number of resultlines to %d, you used %d\nYou can use the 'r' parameter file '%s' which uses option mle=0 to get other results. ",MAXRESULTLINESPONE-1,nresult,rfileres);
/* Tvresult[nres][j] Name of the variable at position j in this resultline */
/* Tresult[nres][j] Value of this variable at position j could be a float if quantitative */
/* We give up with the combinations!! */
- printf("\n j=%d In computing T_ Dummy[modelresult[%d][%d]]=%d, modelresult[%d][%d]=%d cptcovs=%d, cptcoveff=%d Fixed[modelresult[nres][j]]=%d\n", j, nres, j, Dummy[modelresult[nres][j]],nres,j,modelresult[nres][j],cptcovs, cptcoveff,Fixed[modelresult[nres][j]]); /* end if dummy or quanti */
+ /* if(debugILK) */
+ /* printf("\n j=%d In computing T_ Dummy[modelresult[%d][%d]]=%d, modelresult[%d][%d]=%d cptcovs=%d, cptcoveff=%d Fixed[modelresult[nres][j]]=%d\n", j, nres, j, Dummy[modelresult[nres][j]],nres,j,modelresult[nres][j],cptcovs, cptcoveff,Fixed[modelresult[nres][j]]); /\* end if dummy or quanti *\/ */
if(Dummy[modelresult[nres][j]]==0){/* Dummy variable of the variable in position modelresult in the model corresponding to j in resultline */
printf("V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][j],TinvDoQresult[nres][j]); /* Output of each value for the combination TKresult[nres], ordere by the covariate values in the resultline */