/* fprintf(ficgp,"\nunset parametric;unset label; set ter png small size 320, 240"); */
fprintf(ficgp,"\nunset parametric;unset label; set ter svg size 640, 480");
/* for(j=nlstate+1; j<= nlstate+ndeath; j++){ *//* Only the first actually */
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n set log y; unset log x;set xlabel \"Age\"; set ylabel \"Force of mortality (year-1)\";");
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n set log y; unset log x;set ytics;set xlabel \"Age\"; set ylabel \"Force of mortality (year-1)\";");
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s%s.svg\";",subdirf3(optionfilefiname,"VARMUPTJGR-",digitp),digit);
/* fprintf(ficgp,"\n plot \"%s\" u 1:($3*%6.3f) not w l 1 ",fileresprobmorprev,YEARM/estepm); */
/* fprintf(ficgp,"\n replot \"%s\" u 1:(($3+1.96*$4)*%6.3f) t \"95\%% interval\" w l 2 ",fileresprobmorprev,YEARM/estepm); */
fprintf(fichtm,"\n<br>- Total life expectancy by age and \
health expectancies in each live state (1 to %d) with confidence intervals \
on left y-scale as well as proportions of time spent in each live state \
-(with confidence intervals) on right y-scale 0 to 100%%.\
- If popbased=1 the smooth (due to the model) \
-true period expectancies (those weighted with period prevalences are also\
- drawn in addition to the population based expectancies computed using\
- observed and cahotic prevalences: <a href=\"%s_%d-%d.svg\">%s_%d-%d.svg</a>",nlstate, subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"E_"),k1,nres,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"E_"),k1,nres);
+(with confidence intervals) on right y-scale 0 to 100%%.",nlstate);
+ if(popbased==1){
+ fprintf(fichtm," As popbased=1, the population based expectancies weighted with observed and cahotic prevalences \
+are drawn in addition to the smooth (due to the model) true period expectancies:");
+ }
+ fprintf(fichtm," <a href=\"%s_%d-%d.svg\">%s_%d-%d.svg</a>", subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"E_"),k1,nres,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"E_"),k1,nres);
fprintf(fichtm," (data from text file <a href=\"%s.txt\">%s.txt</a>) \n<br>",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"T_"),subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"T_"));
fprintf(fichtm,"<img src=\"%s_%d-%d.svg\">",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"E_"),k1,nres);
/* } /\* end i1 *\/ */
if(TKresult[nres]==0) k1=1; /* To be checked for noresult */
/* if(m != 1 && TKresult[nres]!= k1) */
/* continue; */
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n# 2nd: Total life expectancy with CI: 't' files ");
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n# 2nd: Total life expectancy with CI: 'E_' files ");
for (k=1; k<=cptcovs; k++){ /* For each covariate k get corresponding value lv for combination k1 */
fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%lg ",Tvresult[nres][k],TinvDoQresult[nres][Tvresult[nres][k]]);
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"E_"),k1,nres);
for(vpopbased=0; vpopbased <= popbased; vpopbased++){ /* Done for vpopbased=0 and vpopbased=1 if popbased==1*/
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset label \"popbased %d %s\" at graph 0.98,0.5 center rotate font \"Helvetica,12\"\n",vpopbased,gplotlabel);
- /*if(vpopbased==0){*/
- fprintf(ficgp,"set ylabel \"Years\" \nset ter svg size 640, 480\nunset ytics; unset y2tics; set ytics nomirror; set y2tics 0,10,100;set y2range [0:100];\nplot [%.f:%.f] ",ageminpar,fage);
- /*}else*/
- /* fprintf(ficgp,"\nreplot "); */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nunset label 100;set label 100 \"popbased %d %s\" at graph 0.98,0.5 center rotate font \"Helvetica,12\"\n",vpopbased,gplotlabel);
+ if(vpopbased==0){
+ fprintf(ficgp,"set ylabel \"Years\" \nset ter svg size 640, 480\nunset ytics; unset y2tics; unset y2range; set ytics nomirror; set y2tics 0,10,100;set y2range [0:100];\nplot [%.f:%.f] ",ageminpar,fage);
+ }else
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nreplot ");
for (i=1; i<= nlstate+1 ; i ++) { /* For state i-1=0 is LE, while i-1=1 to nlstate are origin state */
fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2==%d && $4!=0 ?$4 : 1/0) \"%%lf %%lf %%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"T_"),nres-1,nres-1, vpopbased); /* for fixed variables age, popbased, mobilav */
if (j==i) fprintf(ficgp," %%lf (%%lf)"); /* We want to read e.. i=1,j=1, e.1 i=2,j=2, e.2 i=3,j=3 */
else fprintf(ficgp," %%*lf (%%*lf)"); /* skipping that field with a star */
- if (i== 1) fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"TLE\" w l lt %d, \\\n",i);
- else fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"LE in state (%d)\" w l lt %d, \\\n",i-1,i+1); /* state=i-1=1 to nlstate */
- fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2==%d && $4!=0 ? $4-$5*2 : 1/0) \"%%lf %%lf %%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"T_"),nres-1,nres-1,vpopbased);
+ if(vpopbased==0){
+ if (i== 1) fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"TLE\" w l lt %d, \\\n",i);
+ else fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"LE in state (%d)\" w l lt %d, \\\n",i-1,i+1); /* state=i-1=1 to nlstate */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2==%d && $4!=0 ? $4-$5*2 : 1/0) \"%%lf %%lf %%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"T_"),nres-1,nres-1,vpopbased);
+ }else{
+ if (i== 1) fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"\" w l lt %d, \\\n",i);
+ else fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"\" w l lt %d, \\\n",i+1); /* state=i-1=1 to nlstate */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2==%d && $4!=0 ? $4-$5*2 : 1/0) \"%%lf %%lf %%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"T_"),nres-1,nres-1,vpopbased);
+ }
for (j=1; j<= nlstate+1 ; j ++) {
if (j==i) fprintf(ficgp," %%lf (%%lf)");
else fprintf(ficgp," %%*lf (%%*lf)");
for (j=1; j<= nlstate+1 ; j ++) { /* e.. e.1 e.2 again j-1 is the state of end, wlim_i eij*/
if (j==i) fprintf(ficgp," %%lf (%%lf)"); /* We want to read e.. i=1,j=1, e.1 i=2,j=2, e.2 i=3,j=3 */
else fprintf(ficgp," %%*lf (%%*lf)"); /* skipping that field with a star */
- }
- if (i== 1) fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"%%TLE\" w l lt %d axis x1y2, \\\n",i); /* Not used */
- else fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"%%LE in state (%d)\" w l lw 2 lt %d axis x1y2, \\\n",i-1,i+1); /* state=i-1=1 to nlstate */
- fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2==%d && ($4-$5*2)<=1 && ($4-$5*2)>=0? ($4-$5*2)*100. : 1/0) \"%%lf %%lf %%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"T_"),nres-1,nres-1,vpopbased);
+ }
+ if(vpopbased==0){
+ if (i== 1) fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"%%TLE\" w l lt %d axis x1y2, \\\n",i); /* Not used */
+ else fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"%%LE in state (%d)\" w l lw 2 lt %d axis x1y2, \\\n",i-1,i+1); /* state=i-1=1 to nlstate */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2==%d && ($4-$5*2)<=1 && ($4-$5*2)>=0? ($4-$5*2)*100. : 1/0) \"%%lf %%lf %%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"T_"),nres-1,nres-1,vpopbased);
+ }else{
+ if (i== 1) fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"\" w l lt %d axis x1y2, \\\n",i); /* Not used */
+ else fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"\" w l lw 2 lt %d axis x1y2, \\\n",i+1); /* state=i-1=1 to nlstate */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2==%d && ($4-$5*2)<=1 && ($4-$5*2)>=0? ($4-$5*2)*100. : 1/0) \"%%lf %%lf %%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"T_"),nres-1,nres-1,vpopbased);
+ }
for (j=1; j<= nlstate ; j ++)
fprintf(ficgp," %%*lf (%%*lf)"); /* Skipping TLE and LE to read %LE only */
for (j=1; j<= nlstate+1 ; j ++) {
if (i== (nlstate+1)) fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"\" w l lt 0 axis x1y2;\n");
else fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"\" w l lt 0 axis x1y2,\\\n");
} /* state for percent */
- fprintf(ficgp,"unset ytics; unset y2tics; unset y2range; unset label;\n"); /* Otherwise y2tics remained on other graphs */
+ /*fprintf(ficgp,"unset ytics; unset y2tics; unset y2range; unset label popbased;\n");*/ /* Otherwise y2tics remained on other graphs */
} /* vpopbased */
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out;set out \"%s_%d-%d.svg\"; replot; set out; unset label;\n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"E_"),k1,nres); /* Buggy gnuplot */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n# buggy gnuplot\nset out;set out \"%s_%d-%d.svg\"; replot; set out;\n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"E_"),k1,nres); /* Buggy gnuplot */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nunset ytics; unset y2tics; unset y2range;unset label 100;\n"); /* better place */
} /* end nres */
/* } /\* k1 end 2 eme*\/ */
/* sprintf(gplotlabel+strlen(gplotlabel)," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][resultmodel[nres][k4]]); */
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n");
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\nset ytics\n");
fprintf(ficgp,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k1);
/* k=2+nlstate*(2*cpt-2); */
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"EXP_"),cpt,k1,nres);
- fprintf(ficgp,"set label \"%s\" at graph 0.98,0.5 center rotate font \"Helvetica,12\"\n",gplotlabel);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"unset label;set label \"%s\" at graph 0.98,0.5 center rotate font \"Helvetica,12\"\n",gplotlabel);
fprintf(ficgp,"set ter svg size 640, 480\n\
plot [%.f:%.f] \"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:%d t \"e%d1\" w l",ageminpar,fage,subdirf2(fileresu,"E_"),nres-1,nres-1,k,cpt);
/*fprintf(ficgp,",\"e%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($%d-2*$%d) \"\%%lf ",fileres,k1-1,k1-1,k,k+1);
fprintf(ficgp," ,\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:%d t \"e%d.\" w l",subdirf2(fileresu,"E_"),nres-1,nres-1,k+nlstate,cpt);
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nunset label;\n");
} /* end nres */
/* } /\* end kl 3eme *\/ */
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJ_"),cpt,k1,nres);
- fprintf(ficgp,"set label \"Alive state %d %s\" at graph 0.98,0.5 center rotate font \"Helvetica,12\"\n",cpt,gplotlabel);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"set ytics;set label \"Alive state %d %s\" at graph 0.98,0.5 center rotate font \"Helvetica,12\"\n",cpt,gplotlabel);
fprintf(ficgp,"set xlabel \"Age\" \nset ylabel \"Probability to be alive\" \n\
set ter svg size 640, 480\nunset log y\nplot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar);
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJT_"),cpt,k1,nres);
- fprintf(ficgp,"set label \"Alive state %d %s\" at graph 0.98,0.5 center rotate font \"Helvetica,12\"\n",cpt,gplotlabel);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"set ytics;set label \"Alive state %d %s\" at graph 0.98,0.5 center rotate font \"Helvetica,12\"\n",cpt,gplotlabel);
fprintf(ficgp,"set xlabel \"Age\" \nset ylabel \"Probability to be alive\" \n\
set ter svg size 640, 480\nunset log y\nplot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar);
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"P_"),cpt,k1,nres);
- fprintf(ficgp,"set label \"Alive state %d %s\" at graph 0.98,0.5 center rotate font \"Helvetica,12\"\n",cpt,gplotlabel);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"set ytics;set label \"Alive state %d %s\" at graph 0.98,0.5 center rotate font \"Helvetica,12\"\n",cpt,gplotlabel);
fprintf(ficgp,"set xlabel \"Age\" \nset ylabel \"Probability\" \n\
set ter svg size 640, 480\nunset log y\nplot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar);
k=3; /* Offset */
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PB_"),cpt,k1,nres);
fprintf(ficgp,"set label \"Origin alive state %d %s\" at graph 0.98,0.5 center rotate font \"Helvetica,12\"\n",cpt,gplotlabel);
- fprintf(ficgp,"set xlabel \"Age\" \nset ylabel \"Probability\" \n\
+ fprintf(ficgp,"set ytics;set xlabel \"Age\" \nset ylabel \"Probability\" \n\
set ter svg size 640, 480\nunset log y\nplot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar);
k=3; /* Offset */
for (i=1; i<= nlstate ; i ++){ /* State of arrival */
fprintf(ficgp,"# hbijx=backprobability over h years, hb.jx is weighted by observed prev at destination state\n ");
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PROJB_"),cpt,k1,nres);
fprintf(ficgp,"set label \"Origin alive state %d %s\" at graph 0.98,0.5 center rotate font \"Helvetica,12\"\n",cpt,gplotlabel);
- fprintf(ficgp,"set xlabel \"Age\" \nset ylabel \"Prevalence\" \n\
+ fprintf(ficgp,"set ytic;set xlabel \"Age\" \nset ylabel \"Prevalence\" \n\
set ter svg size 640, 480\nunset log y\nplot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar);
/* for (i=1; i<= nlstate+1 ; i ++){ /\* nlstate +1 p11 p21 p.1 *\/ */
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" ",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PE_"),k1,ng,nres);
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset key outside ");
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nset key outside;set ytics; ");
/* fprintf(ficgp,"\nset label \"%s\" at graph 1.2,0.5 center rotate font \"Helvetica,12\"\n",gplotlabel); */
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset title \"%s\" font \"Helvetica,12\"\n",gplotlabel);
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset ter svg size 640, 480 ");
fprintf(ficgp,"\nunset log y");
}else if (ng==2){
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset ylabel \"Probability\"\n");
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset log y");
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nset log y; ");
}else if (ng==3){
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset ylabel \"Quasi-incidence per year\"\n");
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset log y");
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nset log y;");
fprintf(ficgp,"\nunset title ");
fprintf(ficgp,"\nplot [%.f:%.f] ",ageminpar,agemaxpar);
fprintf(ficgp,"set out \"graphmort.svg\"\n ");
- fprintf(ficgp,"set xlabel \"Age\"\n set ylabel \"Force of mortality (per year)\" \n ");
+ fprintf(ficgp,"set ytics;set xlabel \"Age\"\n set ylabel \"Force of mortality (per year)\" \n ");
fprintf(ficgp, "set ter svg size 640, 480\n set log y\n");
/* fprintf(ficgp, "set size 0.65,0.65\n"); */
fprintf(ficgp,"plot [%d:100] %lf*exp(%lf*(x-%d))",agegomp,p[1],p[2],agegomp);